What is the best way to record with the Kemper HEAD (the old non-amplified) Profiler (with Universal Apollo Twin USB)

  • Hi!

    I own the old white Kemper HEAD profiler and Universal Apollo Twin USB audio interface.
    Currently I have my Kemper "Monitor Out" connected to one of my Apollo Twin inputs and use the volume knob (to amplify my kemper? [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/confused.png] )
    [guitar] => [kemper] => [apollo twin]

    Up until now this worked for me but I still wonder if this the right way to use it?
    Shouldn't the Apollo Twin USB come first (to amplify the guitar) and only then to the Kemper Profiler?
    [guitar] => [apollo twin] => [kemper] (but how?)
    What is the right way to do this to get the best result?


  • You are doing it right as you do it. If you also want to record the DI signal you route that to SPDIF (via and optical/coax converter) and record that as well.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • 1) BAD: You want to go into the Kemper at a Hi-Z guitar input. If you amplify the guitar before the Kemper, it will be too hot and sound horrible.

    2) GOOD: Your current way is acceptable. Using the KPA to preamp and simulate your Guitar Amplifier at a preamp strength, then use the Apollo to amplify it for recording.

    3) BETTER: Guitar to a separate better Pre-Amp/ADC and SPDIF Reamp to the KPA

    4) BEST: SPDIF to Apollo's OPTICAL IN. Bypassing opamp and Audio to Digital Converters (which aren't the best in the world) and you get the BEST Kemper tone to DAW!

    Edited once, last by db9091 (February 27, 2018 at 1:10 PM).

  • 3) BETTER: Another way is to use a separate Power Amp after the KPA and then go into the Apollo back as a 1/4" so that it's a LINE level and you therefore bypass the Apollo's opamp.
    (This is assuming your Power Amp is of better quality which isn't hard to do if you spend more than $500 on one.)

    Surely you don't mean a power amp??

    Also the Kemper delivers a line level in the first place.


    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • Surely you don't mean a power amp??

    Also the Kemper delivers a line level in the first place.


    You are correct, Sir. I was smoking some crack and got my signals crossed. I mean a separate better quality Preamp (which goes LINE into Apollo)( and Reamping (Fixed)

    If one goest to a power amp BAD, haha. I have a power amp after my KPA and a good Preamp and got them confused while in the other room.

    So, using the Power Amp there is:

    5) GOOD: KPA->Power Amp->External Cabinet -> Microphone (SM57, Royer 121) -> Preamp -> Audio Interface If you want the flavor of an external Amp.

  • 1) BAD: You want to go into the Kemper at a Hi-Z guitar input. If you amplify the guitar before the Kemper, it will be too hot and sound horrible.

    2) GOOD: Your current way is acceptable. Using the KPA to preamp and simulate your Guitar Amplifier at a preamp strength, then use the Apollo to amplify it for recording.

    3) BETTER: Guitar to a separate better Pre-Amp/ADC and SPDIF Reamp to the KPA

    4) BEST: SPDIF to Apollo's OPTICAL IN. Bypassing opamp and Audio to Digital Converters (which aren't the best in the world) and you get the BEST Kemper tone to DAW!

    I'm not using a power amp...

    3. So you say it's better to buy an amplifier and connect my guitar to it, then to the kemper, and only then to my apollo?
    4. You mean, Kemper SPDIF OUT=> Apollo SPDIF in and then what? [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/confused.png]

  • I'm not using a power amp...
    3. So you say it's better to buy an amplifier and connect my guitar to it, then to the kemper, and only then to my apollo?
    4. You mean, Kemper SPDIF OUT=> Apollo SPDIF in and then what? [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/confused.png]

    No, ignore that one, I'm being a dick. A provocateur.
    I was trying to stir controversy with "well, IF you have a superb vintage studio, you can use THAT gear" which can colour your signal in very neat ways.
    But forget all that. The KPA sounds pro level with SPDIF directly to your audio interface.

    YOU should just go:

    1) Trim your OUT signal on the SPDIF by -10 dB within the KPA so you don't overload your Interface.
    2) Keep your Apollo SPDIF track lever set to 0 dB (Don't use the Apollo's gain)
    3) Control the gain from either your KPA Master Volume or SPDIF OUT so that it hits your DAW track at about -12 dB (range -5 to -15 dB, whatever suits your recording style)

    If you go into the DAW too hot, it will sound like shit!

    The classic way of recording guitars using analog gear was to go in as HOT as you could. With Digital gear, you want to go in well before 0 dB. Some say as low as -15 dB
    Additionally its always a good idea to put a TRIM plugin on your GTR track in the DAW that drops the volume a -10 dB so that processing has headroom for any plugins.
    You can pump up the volume later when mixing or at the end of your plugin chain to get it back to -12 dB or so.

    Grab some VU meter plugins and set them at various areas in your chain and see how HOT your signal is at various places/settings to learn HOW NOT to cook it.

  • I'm not using a power amp...
    3. So you say it's better to buy an amplifier and connect my guitar to it, then to the kemper, and only then to my apollo?
    4. You mean, Kemper SPDIF OUT=> Apollo SPDIF in and then what? [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/confused.png]

    Use db's suggestion.

    There's no need for a power-amp if your only using headphones and interface for recording.

    Otherwise, for live situations, use a poweramp to power passive cabs/monitors.

  • I have recently purchased an Apollo Twin and I am looking at coaxial to optical converters. I found this as a recommendation on here, although do I need a twin input coaxial to optical converter? I live in the UK, so a recommendation on Amazon UK or somewhere local would be appreciated.

    There are lots of products to choose from, although most of them do not seem exactly what I need.

  • I have recently purchased an Apollo Twin and I am looking at coaxial to optical converters. I found this as a recommendation on here, although do I need a twin input coaxial to optical converter? I live in the UK, so a recommendation on Amazon UK or somewhere local would be appreciated.

    There are lots of products to choose from, although most of them do not seem exactly what I need.

    Hi, you need each box to be only one way. One optical to coax box and one coax to optical box.

    Unfortunately, seems only Chinese made stuff is available. Can't find them on ebay either. Make sure you get something that only has one coax output, not two.