FX Loop Static Noise

  • Hey all,

    I'm having trouble getting to the bottom of a problem that others seem to be having as well, without resolution.

    When using the FX Loop of the Kemper in a Stomps block (pre), there is a gated digital static noise introduced. When not playing, the signal cuts out entirely, and when the strings are touched lightly, the static is introduced.
    This is not the case when using the FX Loop in an Effects block (post).

    I have reduced the chain to be as simple as possible, with only a single high quality cable between the send and return, guitar into front input and monitoring through headphones. The noise is clearly there no matter how I am monitoring. The noise is not affected by clean sense.

    Here are some other threads with the same issue:


    Effects Loop Return Input Distorted/Digital Static

    Unwanted Noise In The FX Loop

    And here is a page with audio examples showing the same issue I am having, from a post above: http://www.sfbmc.org/kemper/

    Before I contact support, has anyone had any luck?
