New user - first profile - feedback welcome (please) - Marshall DSL40C Combo

  • Hi. I'm a new Kemper owner and have been working on profiling my cheap overseas made Marshall DSL40C combo amp. Not a high end amp by any means, but my main goal was to get a decent profile of it and learn the process. I took a lot of care with the mic and mic placement to get try and get it to sound the best I could.

    This is my first upload to Rig Exchange - Author: BSD. Rig name: Marshall DSL40C Lead 2

    Please try it if you are so inclined and I'd be happy to hear any feedback so that I can improve the process.

    Also, I'd be interested in whether I filled out the relevant information about the profile in the profile information pane. Consistency is good! Helps people find what they're looking for.

    Here's a quick sound sample I did so you can hear what it sounds like:

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    Pay no attention to the lame playing, more the focus on the sound of the amp. I tried to get some rhythm stuff in there, and a little lead'ish stuff to show what it sounds like in different conditions. Note this was all one take, so the rhythm and lead are all on the same track - all I did was increase the delay and reverb a bit for the lead.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback!

    Personal note - mic'ing cabs is new to me, so I experimented a lot with mic placement and distance. This is all using the stock speaker in that amp and a rather cheap'ish MXL-144 ribbon mic (all I could afford). But I thought it came out pretty good. Please either confirm or rip it - better to know what I did wrong so I get a better one next time. :) Thanks!!

  • Hi,

    Thanks for sharing :thumbup: Your profile sounds real good !!! To make it sound good for my gear/taste I lowered the bass -1.8 , got rid of the noise gate which opened up the sound a bit , lowered the gain to 6.2 defenition 7.3 compressor

    within amp ( pushbutton) down to 1.0 Now it sounds killer to me ^^ (I used to own a DSL40c so I know how it sounds)

    I play a powered head through JBL's 305 with a '79 Strat.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for sharing :thumbup: Your profile sounds real good !!! To make it sound good for my gear/taste I lowered the bass -1.8 , got rid of the noise gate which opened up the sound a bit , lowered the gain to 6.2 defenition 7.3 compressor

    within amp ( pushbutton) down to 1.0 Now it sounds killer to me ^^ (I used to own a DSL40c so I know how it sounds)

    I play a powered head through JBL's 305 with a '79 Strat.

    Thank you very much for the feedback, this is great! I'll try your suggestions. :thumbup:

    I'm playing through a Les Paul with humbuckers. Good to hear it sounds good through other gear, too. Thanks again!

  • My setting is great for a strat ! To make it less bright I downed presence by 0.5 and engaged your gate setting again - This only so it matched the other commercial Marshall profiles where it sits next to in my memory banks from the

    Kemper (makes it a bit darker/muffled) Sounds Real good either way - Compliments for your first attempt :thumbup:

  • Excellent profile! Tame the reverb and delay on it and it's good as is with my Tele. I have a DSL40C sitting here with a Creamback in it which I hadn't bothered to profile. You've inspired me to give it a go, but your results are great. Mind if I ask the settings on your amp?

  • Excellent profile! Tame the reverb and delay on it and it's good as is with my Tele. I have a DSL40C sitting here with a Creamback in it which I hadn't bothered to profile. You've inspired me to give it a go, but your results are great. Mind if I ask the settings on your amp?


    Sure, I used the Lead 2 channel with the Tone Shift button in the "out" position. Gain was on 5, Bass, Middle, Treble, and Presence were on 10. Resonance on 0. Reverb and everything else turned down to zero.

    The volume for that channel was moderately low, around 3 or 4, and the pentode switch in the back was at half-power. EDIT: even so, it was still pretty darn LOUD!

    I used an MXL-144 ribbon mic positioned 2 inches away at the cap/cone edge. With headphones on listening to the mic, I positioned it laterally across the speaker to where I thought it sounded best - that's very close to the cap/cone edge if not precisely there - it's really hard to tell the precise exact position, but it's 2in from cap/edge cone is what I'd do if I were going to try and reproduce it, and then I'd shift a half-inch to the left or right to find the best location.

    I fed the mic into my Line 6 Helix mic input with the pre-amp gain set to 18dB. That seemed about right. Then direct on out to the Kemper reference input.

    If I was going to do this profile again, I would probably drop the Presence and Treble on the amp a little bit. I'd have to experiment with that, I tried that on a prior profile and it didn't come out as well, even though I thought it sounded fine to my ears "in the room". So I just dimed everything except the resonance. :)

    EDIT: Oh, btw, if it makes any difference, I did this profile in my attic office/amateur studio room/electronics workbench, all things with clutter and stuff. There's nothing in there at all to try and reduce reflections or anything or any kind of sound damping. Right now I don't have any way to do all that stuff, but figured I'd give it a go anyway. Seems like the Kemper compensated for my poor room conditions pretty well!

    Edited once, last by bsd512 (January 11, 2018 at 9:26 PM).

  • Hi,

    Thanks for sharing :thumbup: Your profile sounds real good !!! To make it sound good for my gear/taste I lowered the bass -1.8 , got rid of the noise gate which opened up the sound a bit , lowered the gain to 6.2 defenition 7.3 compressor

    within amp ( pushbutton) down to 1.0 Now it sounds killer to me ^^ (I used to own a DSL40c so I know how it sounds)

    I play a powered head through JBL's 305 with a '79 Strat.

    Hey, on the noise gate, I keep forgetting about that giant noise gate knob handily positioned right on the front of the Kemper. That worked fine for me, too, but I'd already uploaded the profile with the noise gate enabled. I saw in a later response you turned the noise gate back on for certain things - is there a big difference in the way the external noise gate knob works for eliminating input noise vs a noise gate in the first stomp position?

  • Thanks!
    Sure, I used the Lead 2 channel with the Tone Shift button in the "out" position. Gain was on 5, Bass, Middle, Treble, and Presence were on 10. Resonance on 0. Reverb and everything else turned down to zero.

    I'm surprised it wasn't brighter with the Presence and Treble up that high. :) Still a very nice profile. I'm going to give mine a go this weekend.