• I can't see all this particular need for a VST version of Kemper. I've got BIAS on Ipad but not as VST despite the tone matching not available on Ipad.
    Fractal did only relase a Reverb VST which has a wider utilisation in a daw also for other instruments and not the full version of their AF FX II . I think that if you're on the move
    then the ipad solution is ideal ...times of laptops with audio interfaces etc., are now gone by far. Cracked versions of software etc., ... this might be found
    the ideal solution for some that look at their own benefit but in the end this kills the system as we've seen in the musioc industry. All free and no bands paid.
    If Kemper wont keep making enough money in future then there wont be Kemper anymore or any new decent development. Is that what we really want ? I don't think so.
    People who hasn't the money for a Kemper .... well, there's now a wondefull Mooer G-200 for roughly one fifth of the Kemper cost so go that way if you want to try a portable solution
    and a set of herdphones. If you wannna drive a Ferrari then you have to have the money for that car and not expect a Ferrari car sold for the price of a Hiunday.