Word clock issues

  • (I did post this in a different section but just spotted the troubleshooting forum, feel free to delete the other one) Hey, new to the forum and new Kemper power rack owner here, wanted one for years, finally got one absolutely love it!! Just one issue (probably not the Kemper) but here goes (sorry if this is in the wrong section):

    I’m getting clicking and popping every 10-30 seconds or so when playing through the Kemper and audio interface (works fine when using just my guitar cab). Running Kemper into a Focusrite 6i6 via S/PDIF and set of Yamaha HS7’s out of the 6i6 going into a 2015 iMac 27 running
    Logic Pro X. From what I’ve read the Kemper has to be the master clock in the setup so I have the 6i6 set up as slave at 44.1 (S/PDIF rather than internal clock) in Focusrite Control software but it still has the popping/clicking issue. If I record it picks it up as well. Updated the Kemper to the latest software version but the issue is still there. [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/sad.png]

    Any ideas what the cause of the issue could be? Running out of ideas... I am upgrading the interface anyway I have a Focusrite Clarett 8PreX arriving later today so will see if it still does it with that, but would be nice to have it all working properly now, it shouldn’t be the issue. Also tried 3 different S/PDIF cables with the same results!

  • Running logic X, It’s all set up correctly but the issue has been fixed, it was the 6i6, just finished setting up the new interface (8PreX) and works absolutely fine :thumbup: No popping or clicking to be heard anymore