How to connect a KPA to Sennheiser ew300 IN EAR system

  • Cause of hearing loss I want to get me a Sennheiser ew300 in ear system, I hear some contradictions how to connect/use this unit.
    I never used In-ear systems and really have no idea how to connect it without using a extra mixer,
    The main outs XLR will be pluged in the main mixer ( Stereo) And I understand that the HEADPHONE output of my power rack wil be connected to the input on the In-EAR unit
    I understand that a (total-monitor) mix, will be comming back from the main Mixer , Whitch input on the kemper do I use to connect this please?

  • If you connect your in ears to the head phone out on the KPA (or the monitor out at the back for that matter), you will only hear your guitar via your in ears.

    Assuming you have a mixing desk, you could use the monitor outputs. Connect your monitor out(s) on the desk to the Sennheiser via XLR, then use the monitor out mix on the desk to get your desired mix of all of the elements that go out of front of house to your in ears (vocals / bass / your guitar /other guitar for example).

    Personally I use the second option, however everything in my band goes through front of house except drums. I just balance my in ear volume so I can hear the ambiance of the drums on stage. That said we also have 5 mics on stage which naturally picks up some drums which is useful.

    Hope that makes sense and is of use!