Strange Noise

  • Hmmm, this sounds very similar to a problem that I have. I was using a Powerhead while touring overseas and would randomly get a similar sound to yours. It only happened on a distortion patch that i was using. I was never able to create this sound deliberately nor did I get a recording of it. I only experienced this overseas (Europe)-never in the States.

    I'm under warranty and sent it off to Kemper for repairs. Sadly they couldn't find anything wrong. I haven't used the PowerHead since. I also have the unpowered rack unit and never experienced this problem. But, I've never taken the rack unit overseas either.

    If you're able to solve this problem please share and I'll be extremely grateful!!!

  • Hi,
    I'd suggest that you contact customer support and send it in to Kemper (if you haven't already).

    They attempted to fix mine and couldn't find the problem. It occurs randomly and I was never able to record it or make it happen deliberately. So they just made sure everything was working and sent it back to me.

    So, just recently, I sent them the link to your audio clip (which is very similar to my problem) and they're sending me a new Powerhead!

    Thank-you for sharing that clip! It saved me, big time!!!

    And I sincerely hope that either you or Kemper resolve your problem!

  • Hey SkippyKemp,

    I wrote directly to Kemper and they told it´s a hardware problem so I was ready to send it to them. Same week I tried some reamps with my Saffire 56 and I think the problem is definitely my Focusrite. When I reamp with analog outputs it sounds correctly but when I use SPDIF it makes that terrible spacey sound. Later I made some bass reamps with my Sansamp RBI using SPDIF and I had the same problem so I guess Saffire 56 spdif input is not working correctly...

    I´ll try reamping via spdif with another interface this week and I´ll see if it works.

    I´ll write here when I do it.

  • Hey SkippyKemp,

    I wrote directly to Kemper and they told it´s a hardware problem so I was ready to send it to them. Same week I tried some reamps with my Saffire 56 and I think the problem is definitely my Focusrite. When I reamp with analog outputs it sounds correctly but when I use SPDIF it makes that terrible spacey sound. Later I made some bass reamps with my Sansamp RBI using SPDIF and I had the same problem so I guess Saffire 56 spdif input is not working correctly...

    I´ll try reamping via spdif with another interface this week and I´ll see if it works.

    I´ll write here when I do it.

    You've set the Saffire to clock to s/pdif input?

  • Yes, for sure. I´ve been reamping via spdif for years without issues but suddenly that noise began to appear...If you do not set the clock to spdif you get some cracks/pops but not that terrible sound.haha

  • Hi again,

    I was not using my kemper in some weeks and today I turned on again, ok, same noise but I discovered that I get this terrible sounding in Cubase, when I´m recording. But if I do not use Cubase and I simply listen to my Kemper through Focusrite MixControl that noise does not exist and it works perfectly. Someone could help me? My cubase settings are always the same so I do not understand why I get that noise in Cubase...

    This is a new clip:…iew?usp=sharing

  • Cables work perfectly. If I monitor my guitar only with Focusrite MixControl there is no noise at all. Then I open Cubase, hit record and I get that noise after 1-2 minutes playing. Cubase always worked great with my kemper, I do not understand why now it´s not the same...If MixControl sounded with noise I would think about a kemper problem or saffire problem but I do not get noise in mixcontrol.

  • Do you run windows 10?

    If so, check your audio ins-outs tab, anything different. Check sound/properties for any changes?

    Maybe there's a audio driver update from your motherboard manufacturer/focusrite/cubase?

    It does kinda remind me of a clocking issue when I hear it, but you're right, not quite the same? You're running a 44.1 session in cubase?

    I had sounds like that from my amps from "dirty power" as well, are you using a power conditioner or recently removed one?

    System reset or reinstall your computer OS would likely fix things, but I get it... pain in the ass!

  • Quote from Arhta

    I got a similar problem, same noise, but it appears only if I insert some stomps while I was recording through spdif using the Git/ Mod Mono output. The problem has resolved with a system reset.

    I made a system reset. Still getting the same error. :(

  • - Windows 7 64 bits. Never had this problem until a few weeks ago.

    - Audio ins-outs working perfectly and all drivers updated.

    - Focusrite spdif clock and 44.1. Cubase session at 44.1.

    - It seems to be a Cubase thing because out of it it works perfectly.


    I think I solved the problem. This is what I did:

    - Cubase VST Audio System -> enable "Activate Steinberg Audio Power Scheme".

    Someone else has activated this option in Cubase?