HiFi amp and speakers instead of Active monitors?

  • Apologies if I'm asking a dumb question here. I recently purchased a Kemper toaster, and connected it to a Marshall power amp and cabinet.

    It sounds fantastic. Naturally the Fender profiles don't sound like Fender through the Marshall, so I'm considering purchasing active monitors when the tubes go bad in the power amp.
    That got me wondering - for home pratice use - can I use the HiFi amp and speakers that have been sitting unused in my basement for years?

    The goal is to connect the Kemper to a linear amp and full range speakers, right? like a hifi amp and speakers? Am I going to damage my new Kemper if I test this combination?

    Are the output levels from the Kemper going to kill the Hifi amp, or can I reuse some old kit and save some money? It has to sound good, not just work..

    Again - this is way outside my area of competence, so if this is a loco question I apologize!


  • Of course you can try it :thumbup:
    Two things to keep in mind though: A lot of hifi speakers are less linear than you might think, but this is something you can just try. If you like it - good. If you don't like it - move on to something else. Quite often hifi speakers boost bass and highs so in a way you lose some mids (for which you can compensate).
    More important though is that hifi speakers usually are designed for not that dynamic material like mixed and mastered music. If you play just a guitar through them it might be muchhh more dynamic. If you turn it up too loud 8o (which you might not perceive as that loud ?( ) you can easily destroy the speakers ;( , especially with a clean :saint: sound. Therefore some caution might be advisable. :evil:8|