Issue with locking effects & performance mode

  • I have a profile with a boost and wah that I want to lock so it's on all profiles. So I hold the soft button for that effect and hit lock. Doing that for both effects and storing the performance. I go to a different profile and the effects are not there, the slots (2&3) have the lock symbol on them but the slot itself is grayed out with a line through it. When I go back to the profile I locked the effects on I see the same thing? I have to reload a back up to get those effects back.. What gives?

    I go to a different profile and the effects are there, OK. I now go into performance mode and go to add a profile to a performance but the effects are not there. I go back into browser and the effects are not there and when I go into the profile I locked the effects from the effects are not there, the slots (2&3) have the lock symbol on them but the slot itself is grayed out with a line through it. What's going on?

    Edited 2 times, last by tubelube (October 28, 2017 at 4:14 PM).

  • Seems to works as mine does. Switching between browser and performance mode clears the lock. If you lock in browser mode and just switch between rigs, the lock stays. If you lock in performance mode and switch performances, the lock stays.

  • I can see why you don't want the lock on for existing performances because they are separate from the browse pool but I'm locking effects in browse mode so those effects are on all profiles in the browse pool. I go into performance mode to add a profile which should now have those effects on it, it doesn't and the effects are gone from the original profile even when I go back to browse mode. It sounds like a bug to me.