Freeze again!

  • Played all day with the KPA without any problems. Did some tweaking and changing cabs etc and at the end of the day I made a back up. I decided not to install the latest FW I saw today because I had a rehearsel tonight. When I started the KPA at the rehearsal room it got stuck on the start up screen. It's the third time since I own the KPA. I find this very frustrating. I tried to reboot several times but that didn't help. So I took an old amp to play.... Can someone (moderators or Christian Kemper?) please tell me how I can avoid this? I know the "Armin" method but I'm getting tired to reset and reinstall everything. It's only happening so far when I turn the KPA on. When it's on and working everthing is fine and no freeze then. It doesn't feel good for using the KPA live or for rehearsals. So please HELP.

    Today I made a heavy rock demo (soldano left ch / diezel right ch) and it sounds absoluteley fantastic. It's a wonderfull machine but the instable software makes me insecure for live use / rehearsal......

  • Hm, in Public Beta 1.0.4. the cab issue should be fixed:

    "- fixed: cabinet crash"

    I had the freeze a couple of times when playing around with the cabs.
    Also my unit always was dead after rebooting when importing new rigs.
    I had to disconnect the power and connect it again afetr a minute or so.
    This issue seems to be fixed in 1.0.4 but I heard about other bugs that came with this version (e.g. looper, ...)

    Still lots of work for the Kemper team....

  • Sorry, don't know exactly, my friend just mentioned "loop".
    Another user here mentions problems with 1.0.4. and loop also: click

    Seen that, it must be something else, tried it here and is fine.
    You've mentionned that you made a backup before shutting down, did you've unplugged the USB key while it was shutting down? I try to avoid to plug/unplug during boot or shutdown

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • No, i kept the usb stick plugged. But the "dead by reboot after rig import" issue is fixed with 1.0.4

    I must be lucky or I do in deed fiddle too less with my unit: never had any of those freeze or boot problems with any of the FW versions....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Tonight I have fixed the KPA using Armins reboot method. This always works. Installed the new FW and restored my back up. Everything is working fine again. Today I've bought 2 extra USB sticks. I'm gonna use this for emergency situations in case the KPA freezes again. At stick 1 I have put the old FW (6900) in the root directory and nothing more. So I can use this in case the KPA freezes again for the Armin reboot. At stick 2 I have put the newest FW in de OS map and all the rigs I use live in the Shared map and a back up in the Back up map. I'll keep both sticks with the KPA and before I go to a gig I put the must recent FW and rigs in the maps and if the KPA freezes on stage I can fix it within 5 minutes using the 2 sticks and so far this always worked. And I never had a crash when only playing the KPA. So now I don't feel uncomfortable anymore by using the KPA at rehearsels and on stage. But of course I hope the new FW doesn't cause crashes anymore.

  • Also my unit always was dead after rebooting when importing new rigs.
    This issue seems to be fixed in 1.0.4 but I heard about other bugs that came with this version (e.g. looper, ...)

    Unfortunately, its not :(
    Aside from that, my KPA freezed while deleting rigs, and didn't came up.
    So I had to unplug the powe cable again. This and other bugs gets on my nerves.

  • Unfortunately, its not :(
    Aside from that, my KPA freezed while deleting rigs, and didn't came up.
    So I had to unplug the powe cable again. This and other bugs gets on my nerves.

    That was probably not a freeze, it happen sometimes that the delete confirmation dialog ("ok") doesn't show up, but the soft button (the second) still works: if you press it, it does delete the rig and carries on.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff