Cubase ur44 routing issue

  • I could not get an answer on the cubase forum so im trying my luck here:

    I run cubase elements 8 and a ur44 soundcard.

    The issues:

    All sound i send to my stereo outs (1&2) gets routed to my inputs 1 and 2. Its visable on the input section of the cubase mixer. Also when i record something the result is what i everything i was playing back on other channels.

    Also...when i chance the output of the Channel i want to record...there is no input at all...which is weird...cause i only changed the output setting.

    I inputs 3 and 4 dont have this strange phenomona...those work as i would expect.

    Seems like theres some weird link that connects my outputs to these inputs....but i have no clue where...