Kemper In-ear users?

  • Ah, interesting.
    Question: Are you using a guitar cab on stage or do you go just with inEars?

    My hearing sucks badly, so when I don´t use earplugs of any kind I sometimes only hear a cacophony of sounds.
    I´m not able to decipher my own playing... ;(
    Since I´m the only dude using inear I (still) need the cabinet, so I have both, cabinet and inear.
    I do soundcheck for the stagevolume and sound without inear, then I plug them in and do my own inear mix ( I have and use the whole Behringer digital stuff like Xair 18+PM 16)

    Before the ACS I had some Shure 215. They are ok but you have a lot of stagesound bleed bc they don´t seal your ear...

    stay tuned... :thumbup:

  • Looks quite interesting. The problem as with all custom InEARs: its difficult to test before buying.

    I have been using the stagediver SD-3 for about an year. These were developed by comparing hundreds of custom inears to create a universal inear with the comfort of a custom one. They fit over 90% of all users just as good as a custom one. I really love it.…-stagediver.htm

    If you are using a digital mixer onstage for your inear mixes you could simply use a crowd mic and use a ducking effect on it to attenuate the crowd while you are playing.

  • My hearing sucks badly, so when I don´t use earplugs of any kind I sometimes only hear a cacophony of sounds.I´m not able to decipher my own playing... ;(
    Since I´m the only dude using inear I (still) need the cabinet, so I have both, cabinet and inear.
    I do soundcheck for the stagevolume and sound without inear, then I plug them in and do my own inear mix ( I have and use the whole Behringer digital stuff like Xair 18+PM 16)

    Before the ACS I had some Shure 215. They are ok but you have a lot of stagesound bleed bc they don´t seal your ear...

    Oh yes, the same here! Most of the time its way too loud on stage. My ears start to get "overdriven". Must be the age ;(
    And i am actually using XAir 18 too ;)

    • with one of my bands we play completely through XAIR. I can mix my InEAR like i need => perfect
    • sometimes there is a rental P.A.

      • if there is a separate monitor-mix for each of us => also perfect
      • if we have to share a mix: => a compromise. I can add some Git signal to my inEar mix through XAIR. Sometimes i get comb-filter effects, because the guitar is in the mix already
    • sometime we play gigs (or in the rehearsal room or sessions) there is no monitor mix at all. => I was hoping i could use a system like "acs ambient" just to turn down the room sound.
      @docmidnite : does this work or is this too loud for the mics? did you ever test that?

  • @docmidnite - how does the ambiance processor work? I've already a Sennheiser ew300 system + stagediver sd-4 inears. Does it need to get somehow connected with the inear system?

    I've tried quite some different systems to get a inear sound, whcih I can live with. My Kemper Main outs (stereo) runs first into a behringer Ultralink Pro, which is a splitter and Mixer. From the Behringer, it does go direct in FOH. The other "copy" + the monitor signal (without my guitar) is mixed in Behringer - from this main out, the signals runs stereo into my InEar system. Since I'm running my setup like this, I do feel much more comfortable. But there is still the ambience portion, I wanna get into it.

    Hey @magentix,I have and use the ACS life ambiance processor and yes, it works! If the band/the ambiance is roomloud just turn it down! :)

  • @magentix: sorry, autocorrect failure! I wanted to write too loud instead of roomloud :S These mics can handle it! There's a processor in the dedicated bodypack where you can fine tune the settings. I play with 2 Rockbands, both with a second guitarist and loud :D drummers

    @REHO: best you check out the acs homepage! I came across this system on my research journey through the www and of course YT where I found a great, explaining video by an American drummer. Then Tom Quaile, a British guitarist, did a review and after that it was a buy to me :D
    I must confess I didn't use it with the KPA yet bc I'm still in the programming mode and haven't had a gig yet.
    Up to now I used my Friedman SB, getting the signal out of the Palmer Bonamassa DI Box into the Behringer Xair and from there into the Behringer PM16 into my inears. With the PM I can adjust EQ etc and get me the best inear so far but still not the real deal. I count on the KPA to be the icing on the cake :) .

    stay tuned... :thumbup: