How to get DAW drum output to go through Kemper, then monitor all through Kemper's headphone out?

  • The sound through my Kemper's headphone out is better than through my interface's headphone out (Zoom UAC-2). I am currently running the guitar jack into the kemper input, then 2 XLR cables into the Zoom UAC-2, then the headphone is going through the Zoom's headphone output. I do this to hear the drum tracks in reaper as a sort of metronome for practice.

    Is there a way to set it up where I can get the drum sounds to go into the Kemper so I can use the Kemper's headphone out to listen while I play?

    As a related note, any tips on getting the interface out to sound better would be appreciated. I am running at 44 hz in stereo through Reaper. It is like a weakened signal sound compared to the Kemper out, I am guessing due to the input clip switch, but I can't find a setting below clipping that actually sounds nice and gainy like it does just straight through the Kemper. It sounds like it's lost gain and oomph. When I turn up the settings to where it clips on the interface, it sounds better, but it clips and pops. I think I read SOMEWHERE on here that XLR cables may be the problem and that SPDIF or the other 1/4 cables may be better, but I can only use the 1/4" cables since there is no SPDIF connection through the interface.


  • Thanks - so I tried that. I believe it helped, as I was able to turn off the Hi-Z function. Still seems a bit thinner than the Kemper in terms of the bass, but I am switching between different volume levels when going between kemper out and the interface out, as the kemper out is super loud. I'll keep playing with it then look into the drivers.

    Edited 2 times, last by Bilinguitar (July 18, 2017 at 11:30 AM).