Looking for Mick Gordon tones

  • So as you might guess I'm very impressed by soundtrack for game Doom by Mick Gordon. I'm looking for some kind of hi-gain tones like on tracks "Rip and tear" or "BFG division".
    If this helps I'm using Ran Crusher seven string barithone with set of Bareknuckle Aftermath.
    Looks like some good 5150 profiles will do this job. Any suggestions? :)

  • I know for a fact he used Axe-FX for the tones in the game, as I had asked him on Twitter about it. He didn't go into specifics on which amp model he used and such, but he did use a Kemper when he performed live at the VGA's. Maybe he's got that profile kicking around.

    My music can also be found on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Tidal, Rhapsody, and some pirating websites!
    "The Musings of Balance"
    "Bits & Waves, vol. 1"