Can't change profiles

  • Hi there- I bought a Kemper from a guy who had it loaded with a bunch of garbage and so I bought some great profiles online. I thought that I had deleted everything off of the Kemper so that I could load on the good stuff, but that didn't really happen.

    When I turn the Kemper on it loads the last setting, but then I cannot change to a new profile via "browse".

    When I USB into my computer and start Rig Manager, it seems to want to load everything on the Kemper all over again, but then I can choose a different profile from the Rig Manager.

    I used to be able to browse different profiles, but can't anymore.

    Any ideas are appreciated!

    Edited once, last by Uncle Shoes (June 29, 2017 at 6:35 AM).

  • I just reported a bug that may be the same thing you're seeing. If I have selected "Current Author" in the rig "Views" menu when the KPA is turned on I can't change the rig with any of the browse buttons. If I change the rig view to "All" the browse buttons work. I haven't tried this with any of the other views but you might check to see if your rig view is set to anything other than "All". If so change it to All and see if you can then change rigs.
