Effect Preset Navigation

  • My Browse knob is about to fall off from endless turning to get to the desired preset. I think I've heard others chime in on this issue but it makes no sense to me why you would see all the presets if you have an effect selected in your stomp (via the Type knob).

    So basically when an Effect is selected with the Type knob, only the presets associated with that effect will show when you turn the Browse knob. If No effects are selected than show ALL presets.

    I used to work with databases and this is a simple "one to many" relationship. ONE effect type to MANY presets. Hopefully this would not be too hard to implement. It would save some worn out knobs.


    You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools
    But that's the way I like it baby
    I don't wanna live forever

    Edited once, last by motochick (June 27, 2017 at 9:44 PM).

  • I agree, it is the most natural way I can think of it working, and it is a much needed change in my opinion.

    The current method actually puts me off using presets because it's so unintuitive and if you have autoload on so unpleasant on the ear :D this has been discussed before, hopefully it's something the kemper guys will consider for the future.