Looking for Behringer FCB1010 with Uno4Kemper installed

  • Really the chip takes like 10 minutes to install and most of the time is spent removing and putting the screws back in. Pull the old EPROM out carefully insert the new one press it firmly in place and done. You can order the chip from here.


    Once installed there are different modes that you can select on how you want to use the pedal, I have mine with the 5 performance slots using pedals 1-5. It was plug and play. Been using it going on 3 years and have no desire for the expensive Kemper remote after you add on the mission pedals, almost $800 with 2 mission pedals. FCB1010+Uno4kemoper EPROM $185. The pedals are not as good as the mission pedals but I use it mostly for WAH and pitch.