Anyone Happy With Stacked Humbuckers In A Tele?

  • Seymour Duncan Vintage Stack is a more than decent set of tele pickups. These are quite common even among traditionalist country players. The most copied tele-design apart from the original is probably Brent Mason's tele which I believe at least from the beginning had a SD Vintage Stack in the bridge, a narrow Gibson humbucker in the neck and a reverse wound single-coil from an old american standard strat in the middle.

  • I'm not sure if you heard of these but they are fantastic and you can use any pickups you care to. It looks like snake oil, but they really, really work well.

    IMO, all of the HB style single coil pups are less than ideal when compared to the better aftermarket models. IIRC, you do P&W and the high end on the ethereal delay settings, IMO, has more "air" with better single coils.

    Of the HB single coil style, I prefer the Dimarzio "Area" series pickups...they sound the least congested in the high end, and have the most character throughout the range.

    Of course, YMMV.