2 Kemper - 2 MIDI Channels Crosstalk?!

  • Hey folks,

    we currently play with a Cymatic LP-16 Sample Player which provides MIDI CC Tracks for our two Kemper Amps. The MIDI Tracks are on Channel 1 for the first Kemper and on Channel 3 for the other Kemper (on Channel 2 there are some MIDI PCs to switch on our Fog Machines, which works totally fine).

    Theres an issue with this setup, half of the time both Kemper do not respond to the MIDI data or they do weird things (selecting banks we've never programmed etc.)

    We recognized, that for instance in one specific song, every time my Kemper receives the MIDI CC to switch to the solo channel the Kemper of my bandmate switches to a totally weird bank we never use.

    Its 100% reproducible. Because of the correlation of both events I was thinking about Crosstalk between the channels? But it seems weird.. We use a Midi Splitter in order to get the signal to both Kemper. My mate uses a Midi Merger to be able to connect his Behringer Foot Controller aswell. But since our both amps are not working it should not be the problem.

    Has anyone of you ever had such a weird behaviour?