Noob needs MIDI-HELP

  • Hey Guys.

    I want to use my Guitar Rig 3 Kontrol Pedal Board as a Midi Kontroller for my shiny new Kemper Amp (which hands Native Instruments their asses in a very smooth and dynamic way :D )

    Anyhow, I just cant seem to get it to work.

    What I want to do is to set the Amp up in a way, that it loads a certain Preset (like the "Boogie" for example) when I stomp button number one. If I stomp button Number 2 it should load another preset (something Crunchy). Button Number 3 should aktivate a Volume-Boost and a slight Reverb (on all presets) and Button number 4 should activate a crystal clear clean mode.

    Anyway, I always enter the System Menue and appy my current sound to a certain CC Numer, like 80 for example. But when i switch the channel and stomp the Button applied to CC # 80 Nothing happens.

    What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something? Is there a tutorial for dummies on how to apply midi to the Kemper? I never worked with midi before.


  • Load the Rig - go to System/midisettings - set prgchg number, push assign - there you go.

    Ansonsten gilt, wer lesen kann ist eindeutig im Vorteil !!! :thumbup:

    aus dem Reference Manual Seite 45:

    Operation of a MIDI remote pedal

    The Kemper Profiling Amplifier connects easily to MIDI remote pedals from any manufacturer. Simply connect your MIDI pedal to the MIDI IN jack of the KPA. There are three groups of MIDI messages that the KPA can receive:
    Program Change
    You can assign up to 128 program change numbers to your Rigs. The assignment is done in the SYSTEM Menu/Program # Assign.

    Aber wer schlägt sich schon mit nem Referencemanual rum, wenn sich andere schon die Mühe gemacht haben X( - frei nach Guttenberg ! :P

    Aber wir sind ja nicht so. :D

  • No surprise that it doesn't work CC# 80 doesn't exist in the KPA (not assigned) need to use PC# 80 (program change) to change Rig and use the appropriate CC# and CC value to switch stomps and FX on/off. Here a list:

    #1 Pedal 1 (Wah Pedals)*

    #7 Pedal 2 (Volume Pedals)*

    #16 Stomp Invert**

    #17 Stomp A

    #18 Stomp B

    #19 Stomp C

    #20 Stomp D

    #23 Stomp X

    #24 Stomp MOD

    #26 Delay (mute trails)

    #27 Delay Mix (keep trails)

    #28 Reverb (mute trails)

    #29 Reverb Mix (keep trails)

    #30 TAP

    #31 Tuner select

    #33 Rotary Speaker (slow/fast)

    value=0 is off, 1-127 is on

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I kind of mixed up the PC and the CC numbers, but that wasnt the problem

    It seem like the Kemper always one-ups the PC number send by the controll unit. For example, if I want the rig thats assigned to pc80 my pedalboard must send pc79 and so on.

    How can that be? ^^

  • I kind of mixed up the PC and the CC numbers, but that wasnt the problem

    It seem like the Kemper always one-ups the PC number send by the controll unit. For example, if I want the rig thats assigned to pc80 my pedalboard must send pc79 and so on.

    How can that be? ^^

    Probably your pedalboard starts the PC count by 0, the old ART midi controllers were the same...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff