Axe-Fx II profiling - just got announced...

  • This is so stupid. Just talk about the f***ing gear guys. You post a screenshot of a fake form to fill out about being "butthurt" in a thread on your own forum about AxeFX II Profiling announcement...

    If you read the quoted post below you'll see that was not anyhow referred to the AxeFx, it was 2 members of this forum pulling each other legs about the KPA looking "like something from a 50's horror movie"....a bit OT but nothing wrong with that

    Hm, hold on there. Something comes to mind. :thumbup:
    [Blocked Image:]

    cracks me up every time. :D

    Hm, hold on there. Something comes to mind. :thumbup:
    [Blocked Image:]

    cracks me up every time. :D

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • While new as a participant member on this board, I must say that I was expecting a more stimulating debate from this thread - I see only good things from Cliff's attempt to incorporate profiling capabilities on the Axe FX 2, namely as it does remove some of the stigma that arose from his own mention of how he felt profiling to be less than optimal compared to modeling some time ago.

    Also, as more companies embrace profiling as a valid alternative / complement to modeling, more and more fresh ideas and approaches will arise, and more choice for the consumer is made available, resulting in a growth of a market as well. This can only stimulate companies, Kemper included, to keep evolving.

    Some of us (me included), ended up preferring Buck Rogers' spaceship's console over the Axe FX (heck, I flogged my Ultra because of it, really), and the ease of use is a monster plus for me, even without the software being finalized yet. I'm not just a solo artist, I'm a session musician, and speed in coming up with solutions is quite highly valued there.

    Also, I am NOT limited in the amps I have here. I had a session today where I thought Two Rock amps to be the right tools for the job. They have a very quick and organic response and the Gain Master has a rock tone to die for. Did I take those two? Heck, no! I can't afford those - I went by a mate's store and profiled them on the spot. There, job done, and a happy producer. If Cliff somehow nails this sort of commodity on the Axe FX, all the better. Personally, I still see more room for evolution in this little lunch box as it is, and the way it nails the amps' "urgent" attack is unparalleled until further notice.

    Gear is just gear, and flame wars will never solve a war that was never there - each company will have their philosophy, and that gives US the freedom to choose what we believe to serve our purposes. :) - news, my album Atonement, diverse clips and general 7 and 8-string nuttery. :)