Cameron Aldrich DI Profile - Cab Added

  • @Webb, did you just do a regular old DI on yours? Perhaps the Kemper DI box? Just wondering how it compares to the 6 month refined "secret proprietary method" used in the Official Cameron DI that, to my ears, doesn't sound as crisp.

    I wish I could say I stumbled onto some top secret profiling method, but the truth is I spent about 10 minutes total on the DI profiles. Amp to Kemper DI box to KPA return. It was actually my first DI attempt with the Kemper DI box since I just got it last week. I like it better than the Neve DI I was using previously.

  • Excellent keep them coming :)

    I think others bashing of the $40 profile has been beaten to death at this point though, either people will buy it or not, i don't know why people get so worked up about it. It's economics, let him find his sweetspot of what the market will bear.

  • I haven't seen anybody worked up about it, and let's stop the erroneous line of thinking that anybody is trying to prevent Jason & Mark from going about their business how they want. Nobody said they don't have the right to be here on the forum or sell whatever they want for any price they deem. Webb himself wanted comparisons, so commentary was invited.

  • Tried this out tonight. It has a nice "thickness" to it. For lack of a better word. Doesn't clean up a lot when rolling back the volume but for straight ahead modded Marshall sound it ticks all the checkboxes.

    Nice work and thanks for taking the time to profile an amp I've never seen in real life. :thumbup:

  • really diggin the first di you made can you make some di,s of the other camerons you have like the first 5.06 one you made thanks and peace

    I have posted a couple DI profiles of the CCV but plan to redo them using the Kemper DI box. Also, just as an FYI - I'll most likely be releasing a complete CCV commercial pack in the near future including both DI and studio profiles (with various mics/cabs/speakers).

  • Well curiosity got the best of me...

    I bought the $40 Aldrich DI profile. I have some initial thoughts but first I'd like to record a comparison demo between mine and Mark's. I'll be out of town for a few days later this week so I may not get to it until sometime next week, but I'll definitely throw up a link here once it's done.

    [Blocked Image:]


  • I had a chance to do a quick test mix comparing my Aldrich profile to the Official Cameron profile. Tried to make all things equal - 2 guitar tracks left and right reaamped straight through the Kemper. Both use the same Ownhammer IR with no added EQ or post processing.

    Mine -

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    Cameron -

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    Thoughts welcomed.

  • In the end it's a matter of personal preference I suppose, but I like the clarity of yours much more. It still has some of those fizzy static mutes, but less than the Cameron upon being less saturated. Articulation over gain is optimal for my tastes.

    Also, this is an honest, sincere opinion. Some, including Jason himself, might think that I'm just trying to say Webb's is better because of Cameron's thread, which isn't the case.

  • In the end it's a matter of personal preference I suppose, but I like the clarity of yours much more. It still has some of those fizzy static mutes, but less than the Cameron upon being less saturated. Articulation over gain is optimal for my tastes.

    I concur.

    However, it would be interesting to see how each profile reacts to EQ and gain changes on the kemper. After all, this has been one of the selling points of the "official" cameron profile.

  • I concur.
    However, it would be interesting to see how each profile reacts to EQ and gain changes on the kemper. After all, this has been one of the selling points of the "official" cameron profile.

    I haven't tried adjusting the profile's gain level directly on the Kemper because then you're getting away from the actual amp's gain structure. I will say that I don't think either profile cleans up that well with the guitar's volume knob, which was one of the selling points of the Cameron.

  • In the end it's a matter of personal preference I suppose, but I like the clarity of yours much more. It still has some of those fizzy static mutes, but less than the Cameron upon being less saturated. Articulation over gain is optimal for my tastes.

    Also, this is an honest, sincere opinion. Some, including Jason himself, might think that I'm just trying to say Webb's is better because of Cameron's thread, which isn't the case.

    Thanks. I think they're both usable but I do hear a boominess in the Cameron profile that seems to be baked in. Obviously I might be a bit biased but I don't care either way. Whether someone likes my free profile or the $40 profile comes down to personal preference.

  • On my Sony headphones I definetely liked the Cameron one better, it had less fizz and a bit more low mids. In the car (where I like to evaulate sounds because it's familiar and I don't prefer headphones these days), I would say the Cameron still edges yours out by a bit for the same reasons. However, they are very close, and it comes down to does someone want a little more high end or a little more low mids... Either way, I really like all of your Cameron and Aldrich profiles and I play them as much as any purchased profile. For $5 i'd defintely buy the Cameron profile (singular) and maybe even $10...but not $40. I'm really after that Dokken/80's sound I hear in my head (which isn't always what i hear when i go back and listen to the albums :) But the sound is what i heard from some old Cameron CCV Youtube clips or Mark Day's Friedman clips on youtube.

  • I haven't tried adjusting the profile's gain level directly on the Kemper because then you're getting away from the actual amp's gain structure. I will say that I don't think either profile cleans up that well with the guitar's volume knob, which was one of the selling points of the Cameron.

    Hi Webb,

    How does the original reference Cameron modified Marshall, which you own clean, up with your guitar's volume knob? Is this issue inherent, to some degree, in the actual amp? Just curious.

    Thanks again for all your work, and providing us these excellent profiles. It is greatly appreciated. :thumbup:


    Edited once, last by Tritium (May 18, 2017 at 10:49 PM).

  • really enjoyed reading all this and thanks Webb this is why in my review I suggested what you said about the cleaning up and nagged Jason to do seperate clean/ crunch rigs (and make a rig pack)

    Really has potential to be in the top 5 I hope they listen to you


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.