Blackstar ID Core 100

  • I was looking for an backup for the Kemper for life situations.

    I looked many youtube videos about the Katana's and Blackstar ID core's. In these videos to me the Katana sounds a little bit better.
    But I wanted stereo, so I ordered an ID core 100. When it arrived I had about 14 min. to dial in 6 presets before take it to the rehearsalroom.

    Emulated out (mone/stereo) to the mixer/PA (volume controlled bij gain/volume) and used the IC core as "monitor" (volume controlled bij master volume). The emulated output thrue the mixer/PA (DXR10/12) sounds almost identical as the 2 x 10" speakers in the ID core. For me good to know, because what comes out of the emulated output of the ID core, is what people will hear from the FOH (DXR's in small venues).

    Later at home I tried the Kemper thrue the send/return (stereo) on de ID core. I configured out in the Blackstar software I had to use (programming) the footswitch to activate the send/return. For the Kemper (Kemper main-trs out tot send/return ID Core) I leave cabs on (especially on crunch/high gain), but had to change my favorite cabs to an cab with less "lows" and lock this cab for all my presets. This worked very well for clean/crunch/leads, for sure some "amp in the room sound". I even heard some 3D on the ID core that I never heard on the DXR's.

    Same with the Atomic Amplifire thrue the send/return (stereo) on the ID core. With my favorite cabs on (3d party) the sound was not so good, but surprising with the Amplifire stock cabs the sound was quit good, same as the Kemper some "amp in the room and 3D sound".

    So I have to figure out how to get the Kemper with my favorite cabs (through FOH) to sound good with the ID core (as monitor). Maybe Kemper monitor out with some EQ.... will be continued.

    Edited once, last by allright (May 2, 2017 at 10:48 PM).

  • Hi Allright,

    this amp sure looks interesting for plugging the KPA into.
    More is more, and 10 is less than 12", soo, do the smaller speakers make it sound tiny next to a Booger Lonestar100 closed back 2*12 combo? I have never played tens, but understand that the number of them makes up for the diameter. I'd never missed oomph in a Bassman 410 or Ampeg 810 config. :D

    The Blackstar manual didn't reveal if the internal signal chain can be altered, or where the fx-return sits in relation to EQ, FX, Resonance/Presence filter. Have you found out already? I hope at least Resonance being located post-loop, it might be the key to balancing the bass response.


  • Hallo Shred,

    I did some test:

    - KPA in the send/return sounds ok, but not flat, it gives little mid bump.
    I don't know what speakers are in the BS100, I think not guitarspeakers, because with cabs-off the sound is not ok.
    With the right cab selected in the KPA the BS100 can sound good.

    But in some situation when I send master out to DXR's (PA) and master out to BS100 (monitor) to the sound is not identical, the BS100 is more mid bump (not in a bad way). And because I want an flat-output EQ to KPA main-out (to DXR's) I cn not adjust the EQ fot the BS100, because this will affect the sound of the DXR.

    In this situation I have to use the KPA monitor-out en EQ the mid (cut), then the BS100 sounds quit identical als the DXR.
    But then I loose the master-out stereo (monitor-our is mono)

    I have not tested yet the Resonance/Presence filter (tap+bass / tap+high).

    The send/return have to activate within the Insider software (usb). The 5-way/button footcontroller (FS12) kan be programmed for activate the loop
    (send/return). It's strange but when disconnecting the usb cable, the send/return is automatically de-activated.... So in a live situation you have always an laptop with usb connected to the BS-100. I looked the internet but not find an solution.

    - KPA in de mp3 input (KPA headphone out -> mp3 input) give a softer output and to my ears a little bit strange sound.
    When I put in a phone/laptop and play an mp3 the soud is ok, but not flat (littje mid bump).

    That's it for now.
    Grz. Peter.

  • And your question for the 10" in the BS100, they give enough bass responce, When I use the BS100 as an standalone amp, bass always on 11
    o'clock or less.
    I have to test if the Resonance/Presence filter is pre/post send/return.