thinking of buying floorboard

  • hey guys, i have a rjm mastermind gt22. i cannot control the looper with this pedal. i do like the led display above each button telling me what my stomp boxes and patch names are. i m wondering if i am better off gettign the kemper controller. one quick question, if i get that, and the mission kp1 pedal, does it allow you to have a volume pedal, click the toe button and it becomes a wah, or is it the same as the master mind, where the toe button just turns on the wah effect, and then you have to have a expression pedal set as a wah to control it.

  • Check the pedal links in the system settings. This is possible with the remote and the current setup as well.

    how do i set it up with my current setup? my expression pedals are hooked to my mastermind gt 22. in the settings you decide if the pedal is hooked to the kemper or floor board. i didnt think the kemper sees the mastermind as a floorboard.

  • how do i set it up with my current setup? my expression pedals are hooked to my mastermind gt 22. in the settings you decide if the pedal is hooked to the kemper or floor board. i didnt think the kemper sees the mastermind as a floorboard.

    Tomrip, you can definitely control the looper using a Mastermind. You just need to send the right sequence of midi CC notes to your Kemper. I suggest reading through the manual and then reading the thread on these forums that tells you how to control the looper with midi CC.

    The only thing you can't do is control undo, which none of us have been able to crack.

  • Also, are you using bidirectional control? The Mastermind should be able to read what is going on with the Kemper and display the appropriate FX, etc, on the LCDs. When you hook it up the right way, the Kemper will also say on its screen that it has recognised a midi controller.

    yes i am running bidirectional. i thought they said on the forums that after kemper update it broke control of looper so i never tried. nightlight, what is your setup?

  • yes i am running bidirectional. i thought they said on the forums that after kemper update it broke control of looper so i never tried. nightlight, what is your setup?

    Using a Gordius Big Little Giant. I got an interesting connector that allows me to use a seven pin cable to power the floorboard. The other end of the connector has a midi in and out, which I hook up to the Kemper. Of course, you have to hook up an adaptor to one end of the connector, since the Kemper doesn't provide phantom power. Still keeps stuff tidy, with just one connector to hook up to the floorboard.

    The only thing that doesn't work with the looper now is the undo function. Everything else works.

  • how do i set it up with my current setup? my expression pedals are hooked to my mastermind gt 22. in the settings you decide if the pedal is hooked to the kemper or floor board. i didnt think the kemper sees the mastermind as a floorboard.

    You have to choose the correct MIDI CC # and use the pedal links page. Everything you need is on page 5 of the system settings and also described in the manual.
    I think you have to choose CC01 for the Wah and check WahPedal > Vol on the left soft button.