Kemper Buzz

  • Hello, I have a lot of buzz in my kemper right through my headphones. Here is an audio sample:

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    In the first part I used Gibson SG and turned down the volume in the end. The second part is Stratocaster and I turned the volume down in the end too.
    Rig - M Britt 67 Lux Verb 4-

    What is the nature of this noise? And can you help me and tell how I can get rid off it?


  • Are you recording straight into a audio interface? It kinda sounds like the Kempers' output is set very low and the channel gain of the interface is very high. Check you main out volume in the output section and try to use less gain on the interface.

    Edit: On 2nd thought: Have tried another guitar or do you have the same interference whit nothing plugged in?

  • I recorded it right from my headphones with the phone mic to show the sound that I hear right from the headphones. I used SG first, then put record on pause, plugged strat and recorded it.

  • Does the noise gate have an effect on the buzzing?
    If you tried the usual steps like factory reset (backup first), recovering an old backup, etc. I'd recommend opening a support ticket here.

    Yep, noise gate eliminates it when I don't play, but when I start to play the buzz is still pretty hearable even with the nosie gate

    Are you plugged into an extension lead? I get a buzz when I use one.


  • This could make you feel better....or worse.

    It sounds like it could be any one of a hundred things but I'll offer a few suggestions to try before panicking.

    Firstly, move and face away from any computer, laptop or tv screens.

    Next, check your lights. Does turning them off have any effect?

    Thirdly, on to the cables. Try runnng your instrument cables in a different route, try running the power from a different outlet (no extension plugs) and try switching round and replacing all different ways you can think of to see if that helps.

    If those fail, we may need some more info to troubleshoot!

  • 1) I have only computer in my room but when I turn it off nothing changes
    2) Nope. Nothing changes
    3) I tried different cables and outlets. Nothing changes.

  • Pretty much as I expected, sounds like some gremlins are getting in somewhere.

    Definitely open up a support ticket, the guys up there know what they're talking about and will have more suggestions for you.

    In the meantime, it might be worth trying to systematically isolate each possible cause. Work out exactly where the gremlins are getting in, and then we can look at stopping them.

    For the example, does turning up the noise gate make it go away? If so, then it's getting in before the output section of the kemper.

    Do you have the same issue from the direct outs? Or is it just the headphone out which is noisy?

    I'm sure you get the idea, try a few of these sort of questions and see if you can narrow down the search :)

  • My Kemper is very sensitive for noise!! it is even noisier than my tubeamp! I have dimmed lights at my music romm, and its awful noice when using single coils!! I use high quality guitars doesnt matter... somtimes i use the noicegate at 4-6, but it realy suck tone when adding to much.. its wors on realy fat clean rigs, and with tones i like the most! like Knopfler clean and a little bit break up..
    On some venues its ok, but on others its realy anoying.. I tought this digital unit would be dead quiet, but I was wrong..