Kemper or Remote? Crashing

  • New Kemper which I love- but periodically, and frequently- lights go off on the remote and the whole system freezes. No controls on remote or Kemper respond. Only way to restore is completely shut down and restart. This takes a minute and a half. Due to gig on Friday &'don't fancy having to fill in for that long! Using Rig Manager. Have updated to latest software... Thought it might be lead for remote...?

  • I've had this same problem, had multiple discussions/interactions with Kemper. Even sent both my Profiler and Remote in for "service" thinking it as a personal hardware problem. Even had Kemper replace my Remote with a brand new unit. Here's what they said:

    The issue is having a computer (running Rig Manager) and the Remote connected to the Profiler at the same time causes power management problems. Or something like this. The only "fix" is to disconnect the computer.

    I know, this seems unbelievable and waaayyy beyond unacceptable - I mean, what's the point of having software on a computer to control your Profiler if it causes the system to crash? Why hasn't this board and other forums lit up with complaints and outrage? Why haven't hundreds of others reported this issue?

    I cannot answer any of the above, only report what Kemper has told me. They say they are aware of the problem and are seeking to correct it, but there hasn't been any resolution in at least the last few firmware updates.

    I would recommend contacting Kemper and reporting the issue. While I can't understand why this isn't at the top of the list of bugs to be fixed, maybe if enough of us start yelling something will happen.

    I have learned the hard way that when in a live situation you cannot ever, ever, ever have a computer connected to your Profiler. Ever! Set up your rigs in performance mode, load them onto your Profiler, leave your computer at home.

  • Yep. The KPA gets upset & freezes when the USB connection is interrupted or the connected computer goes to sleep. It's usually OK when actively editing in Rig Manager.

    When I'm done fooling around in Rig Manager and ready to play, I make sure Rig Manger is off. You could take the further step to disconnect the USB cable if you want to be completely safe from USB related issues.


  • Semi-zombie thread, but I have an update.

    In the past, whenever I've had my Profiler connected to both my MacBook (either Air and not) and Remote, running Rig Manager, I've experienced multiple and repeatable system crashes, most often when in Performance Mode. The only "fix" I've found is to disconnect my computer.

    But, last week I tried something new. I went into the System Manager on my computer and changed the Power Setting such that, at least when connected to a poser source, the computer NEVER goes into "sleep" mode. (Sorry, I no longer remember the names or how to do this in Windows computers.)

    During two rehearsals last week I tried this new set up and had no, zero problems! Everything worked perfectly the entire time. No, I did not push my luck and keep this set up during the actual gig!

    So, I'm speculating that the issue might have to do with the computer going to sleep, or somehow power management. I'll keep testing, but, so far, looks good.

  • Same problem here...

    The only difference is that I'm using the behringer fcb1010 with uno4kemper chip. Yesterday I wanted to setup a few performances while using rig Manager and the FCB and had multiple freezes on my kemper.
    When I disconnected the FCB everything worked well...

    This is really a struggle and I hope that they can fix this Problem very soon since this really sucks.