• Hi

    i just discovered this hidden features, and i really want to use 48khz spdif ( if i read correctly the hidden features involved there)

    It seems the artist mode disapeard in the new firmwares.

    Any plans to have it back ?

    Any idea of the last firmware that still have it ?

  • There indeed used to be a secret 'artist mode' with supposedly pilot-features to field-test.
    They have been removed a few major versions back, IIRC. I believe i used it around V3.x, but i may be wrong.

    I have to admit, i don't see any plausible use-case for 48Khz on the Kemper, but i'm not opening that discussion.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • I have to admit, i don't see any plausible use-case for 48Khz on the Kemper, but i'm not opening that discussion.

    Whoops... You opened it.

    I have a reason. I need to plug it via spdif into a session that I'm forced to run at 48k... I'm forced to run it at that, because the manufacturer of the audio interface I must use set theirs up only to run at 48k. ::facepalm::

    What unit am I speaking of? The AxeFX II. I use both systems at the same time for different things, and the Axe Fx II runs as a sound card in my home studio. I'd like to keep this all digital and reamp directly through the Kemper while still using the AxeFX II for monitoring and fx when I need them.

    Sure... Kemper isn't the only one responsible here ha ha... But having discovered that one of them implemented selectable sample rates (and having hear some people say their 48k profiles actually sounded better), I was pretty excited. I really don't want another sound card right now when I'm trying to stay simple and all digital.

    I honestly don't care if I can't hear the difference between 44.1k an 48k (although I hope I can).

    Trying to put a square peg in a round hole is a drag. Flexibility rules.