Expression pedal latency with GCP

  • Hi, I hope someone has seen this issue before. I got a Moog expression pedal earlier this week, hooked it up direct to Kemper and it works as it should. I have morph>wha and morph>pitch selected in the system settings and all worked as they should. At rehearsal last night I hooked it up to my GCP on my pedalboard and set it up assigning it the proper CC# and tried it. It works, but not as it should, there is a lag in the wah and when I use it to control pitch it is like it is in slow motion. Are there any parameters that I need to modify in the KPA? Also when I sweep the pedal I can see the range going from 0 - 127 as it should. I'm hoping I'm just missing something, otherwise to GC I go to get a long trs cable. Thanks in advance!

  • I posted on the Voodoo forum and they suggested I check that the expression pedal response is being correctly recognized in the GCP - in setup mode I can see the value change from 0-127 as I sweep through the pedal's range - there is no delay. I'm not very well educated in MIDI - I know how to program CC changes and basic stuff but other than that I'm a dope. I have used expression pedals via MIDI with my 11 rack without an issue. I have both devices set to Omni, should I set a specific channel? I'm not sure how MIDI transmissions work if it is sequential through the channels or if it sends to all simultaneously. I'm not using any other MIDI gear so changing the channel shouldn't be an issue. Is there any setup parameter that I'm missing? Would autoload affect anything? The issue seems to be with the MIDI transmission. Any suggestions? Thanks