Output volume

  • Hi

    I'm a very new owner of Kemper. I upgraded to last firmware and started to play guitar. I have a pair of Yamaha HS7 monitors plugged in main out. It sounds very good to my ears.

    I jam along MP3 backing track through aux in.

    In the output menu I am fully lost with settings and don't understand how to setup.

    Main out -12db is not ticked
    Monitor cab off not ticked

    In page 2 volume I have strange values :

    - main volume -41db
    - monitor volume -13db
    - direct volume greyed out
    - headphones volume -21db

    Is there something to do here to have a correct setup ?

    Thanks for your help


  • I had the exact same issue, and I have the exact monitors.They are excellent for the KPA. I actually swapped them for JBL LS308s and couldn't get these back fast enough!

    Try a factory reset. Hold the system button on your next start-up.

    I can tell you everything worked beautifully after I did this.

  • malto - It depends on how you are listening. If your are going direct from your Kemper to the HS7's, then just set the HS7's to noon on the back and on the kemper leave the various volumes linked after doing a global reset. Turning the main volume knob will adjust all together. It will be -12 when the master is at 5 I think. Just adjust the master up and down per rig to taste and don't worry about the numbers.

    If you are going through a mixer that's where you may want to unlink the master outputs. You'll have to look at your mixer manual and see what is nominal for that channel, but setting it to -12 or -15 is a good starting place. From there you just leave it once you have it matched up with your mixer.

    Does that make sense?

    The channel volume if you will, should always remain at half (the one with lights on the toaster). The purpose of that one is to balance rig volumes for performances. Leaving it at half always gives you the most room to adjust up and down for the performance.

    There's another volume in the rig for the amplifier on the last page. I find sometimes that one is choked out and the rigs sound better when it's brought up to 0 at least, which I think is supposed to be unity.

    In the end as long as you aren't peaking or blowing speakers - just do what feels good.

  • This is good info! In case I don't want to do a Factory Reset on mine, what are the default settings for:
    "Master Volume Knob" on upper right?
    After pressing the "Master" soft button on "upper, upper right," what are "output volumes" for: Main? Monitor? Direct? And Headphone?

  • This is good info! In case I don't want to do a Factory Reset on mine, what are the default settings for:
    "Master Volume Knob" on upper right?
    After pressing the "Master" soft button on "upper, upper right," what are "output volumes" for: Main? Monitor? Direct? And Headphone?

    You don't have to do a factory reset, just reset the global settings or reset globals if you will. Takes like 2 seconds. Most of the defaults are -12 when master volume is at 5 if I remember right.