Think I'm off to the Dark Side...............

  • After much deliberation, and even more regret, I think it's time to wave goodbye to my Kemper. I don't know if mine's duff, or I'm just unlucky, but I've had enough of fighting with it. It sounds truly epic for a couple of months or so, and then I have a session and power it down. Upon my return, I discover that it has inexplicably turned to crap overnight, and sounds like a cheap, Zoom multi-fx pedal. My Roland Micro Cube then puts it to shame. Factory reset time, and then it sounds epic again. Thing is, it makes me very reluctant to spend any time setting up performances etc, knowing that I'll be starting off with a fresh palette again 3 months down the line.

    And to add to the above, I still cannot get a half decent wah out of it. I've imported suggested rigs that incorporate a wah setting, and I've copied other people's settings. All to no avail. All the wah's sound pathetically weedy, yet other people report getting great wah sounds, and I don't doubt them for a second. It just doesn't seem to happen on my KPA. I've tried it with two separate Mission EP-1's, both of which calibrate perfectly, and cannot get anything near usable. Something's amiss, and I just don't know what.

    I should also mention that I'm a bedroom player, so the Kemper only gets light use. I don't exactly send it to hell and back. Nor am I what you might call a "deep editor", so I neither expect, nor deserve a tonal meltdown every three months. I'm currently considering a Helix as a replacement. I shall miss the great, selfless folk on this forum, but the end is nigh........ :/

  • Thing is, it makes me very reluctant to spend any time setting up performances etc, knowing that I'll be starting off with a fresh palette again 3 months down the line.

    Insert a USB stick, format it, do a backup. This way you can easily recover the great profiles after a factory reset. At least a workaround until it got sorted out what the real problem is. Even if they had to replace your Kemper, the backup would setup your new Kemper just the way the old one was...

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Well, the Kemper going up the shitters caught me at a low ebb, so I just had a shop around. Managed to get a good deal on a Helix so I've ordered one, so shall have a good A/B session when it arrives on Tuesday. Feel like Judas 'cos I love my toaster. On the bright side - I'll be able to give my new Mimiq Doubler pedal a proper twin-amp session :)

  • Well, the Kemper going up the shitters caught me at a low ebb, so I just had a shop around. Managed to get a good deal on a Helix so I've ordered one, so shall have a good A/B session when it arrives on Tuesday. Feel like Judas 'cos I love my toaster. On the bright side - I'll be able to give my new Mimiq Doubler pedal a proper twin-amp session :)

    Dude you crazy ;)

  • Well, the Kemper going up the shitters caught me at a low ebb, so I just had a shop around. Managed to get a good deal on a Helix so I've ordered one, so shall have a good A/B session when it arrives on Tuesday. Feel like Judas 'cos I love my toaster. On the bright side - I'll be able to give my new Mimiq Doubler pedal a proper twin-amp session :)

    Have you tried the mimiq with the kemper on headphones? How dows it work? I am interested in that pedal

  • Got this from BILLIAM666 on another post and it might be relevant to your problem if yours is powered:

    Try turning your power boost knob and see if the boost activates. Even though my power boost is on and is at the correct setting when I turn on the amp I have to to give it a twist to activate the boost. Not sure why, if anyone know why let me know.

  • Have you tried the mimiq with the kemper on headphones? How dows it work? I am interested in that pedal

    Yes I have. I've got to be honest and say that I'm not as blown away as I thought I'd be. But then people do say that it really comes alive with a twin-amp setup. If it impresses me on Tuesday then it'll be a keeper. If not, then it's off to eBay.

  • Got this from BILLIAM666 on another post and it might be relevant to your problem if yours is powered:

    Try turning your power boost knob and see if the boost activates. Even though my power boost is on and is at the correct setting when I turn on the amp I have to to give it a twist to activate the boost. Not sure why, if anyone know why let me know.

    Mine's an unpowered unit, but thanks for the heads-up :)

  • Yes I have. I've got to be honest and say that I'm not as blown away as I thought I'd be. But then people do say that it really comes alive with a twin-amp setup. If it impresses me on Tuesday then it'll be a keeper. If not, then it's off to eBay.

    please let us know..i would like to buy it to have a split signal/stereo separation when i play trough headphones..and i do it 99% of the time

  • Well I don't know what to say. Not contacting support in case of a problem is... crazy.

    Agreed... plus I'm a little surprised you don't like any of the wahs. There's several really fine ones, never had a complaint on those - though certainly not all are gems, just like anything. That's partly personal taste of course. I personally wasn't a fan of the Mission EP-1, though some are. I much prefer the Dunlop. I wonder if that could be related to your displeasure over the wahs? Just a thought.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • If you contact support, you may find there is something they can help you with that does not involve sending it away. If you are happy with it on a good day and a reset takes it back to that 'good day' place then it's entirely possible they can help you.

    Even if you do decide to part company with it, you'll still have to contact support and get their help prior to selling it on in fairness to the next guy :)

  • Agreed... plus I'm a little surprised you don't like any of the wahs. There's several really fine ones, never had a complaint on those - though certainly not all are gems, just like anything. That's partly personal taste of course. I personally wasn't a fan of the Mission EP-1, though some are. I much prefer the Dunlop. I wonder if that could be related to your displeasure over the wahs? Just a thought.

    It's not that I don't like any of the wahs. I just cannot get any of the wahs to work correctly.

  • If you contact support, you may find there is something they can help you with that does not involve sending it away. If you are happy with it on a good day and a reset takes it back to that 'good day' place then it's entirely possible they can help you.

    Even if you do decide to part company with it, you'll still have to contact support and get their help prior to selling it on in fairness to the next guy :)

    I probably will contact support at some point. I'll see what frame of mind I'm in after Tuesday's arrival. I definitely won't be trying to dupe anyone if I do decide to sell. That's not my style. Check my eBay feedback under the same name.