Surprising experience with Bugera AC60 Acoustic Amp

  • Hi folks

    there is a relatively new acoustic guitar amp from Bugera called AC60. As the name suggests it is a 60 Watt amp very similar to an AER acoustic amp. Very small and very easy to carry (6kg) and great acoustic guitar sound for only around 280 Euros.…rs/AC60/p/P0B4P

    It comes with an interesting speaker called "TURBOSOUND dual-cone speaker" - a broad band system. The amp is very clear, no hum or hiss and despite the size it can get very loud.

    Today I linked my KPA "monitor out" with the "return in" from the little Bugera box. In my opinion it sounds just amazing. Despite the small 8 inch speaker it has a lot of volume and is able to let the KPA shine. Everything sounds very natural and amp like. If you have the chance try it out. Please use it with the "CAB ON" within the KPA.


  • Using all type of profiles with electric guitars. I play more blues / jazz / classic rock sounds... For my ears very nice sounding - especially when you see the size the little box... May be I buy another one for stereo ....