Kemper with UAD apollo twin connection ?

  • Hi,

    When i play guitar with the kemper into the apollo twin , my sound is not good, i don't have the sensation of a amp sound, there is no details
    but, only, when i listen to my recording track, ( Cubase 8.5) the sound is very good. ( like in the kemper headphone )

    Do u have a solution for the best connection and the good set up of the console setting in apollo ?

    I tried to connect my outputs from the kemper via spdif to my apollo, the same thing with main outputs in the apollo.

    ( Hope my english is understandable )

    Thanks a lot for your help

  • The UAD Apollo has a optical SPDIF. DO you have a converter from Cinch to optical?
    What is your setup? From Kempers Main Outs to MIC/Line on the backside of the Apollo?
    You should use this and not the Guitar Input at front side because you need Line-Level.
    Did you disable Apollos Processing Unit (EQ's, Effects ...)
    So please tell us about the whole setup, used cables an so on for better understanding.

  • Thanks for your answer.

    I have reset my UAD console, and it seem to be ok now. It's sound better.

    I'm going to test more, hope the problem is fixed for ever.

    Do u know if it's possible to record in mono via Spdif ?

    Thanks again for your help

  • You can record 2 signals from Kemper at the same time via SPDIF. For example the clean signal on the left track and the effect signal on the right.
    Many Kemper users do this to have the advantage of reamping the raw signal later.
    But i've seen that your Apollo has a Toslink connector. Kemper has only a Cinch (Koax) connector.
    So i think you need a Cinch to Toslink Converter for SPDIF using...

  • You have several options in the output menu. There is the section "SPDIF" where you can choose for example
    "Git / Stack". Left channel is the dry and right channel the wet signal that you can simultaneously record in your daw
    onto 2 different tracks.
    Please keep in mind that for SPDIF processes you have to set your Apollo as slave and 44.1 kHz (24 bit), because Kemper has always
    to be the Master.

  • Hi Hall2000, thanks for the info.
    I just tested, it works !

    Is it possible to record 2 différents signals and just hear in my headphone the signal with the master left in centre ?

    About the 24bit setting, is it in apollo console settings ( I don't find it )? Or in My daw (Cubase) ?

  • No, the Headphone Out is a copy of the Master Out. But you can configure the Outs as you want.
    So a solution could be: Configure the Monitor Out as "Stack" (no Effects) and route the Monitor Out
    with a separate cable in Apollo and then in Cubase Cubase on the left side of your Headphone.

    In your Apollo you only have to set the Sample Rate of 44,1 Khz (only needed in combination with SPDIF).
    You can set the resolution of 24 bit for example when you export your record out of your DAW.