Share your new delay settings

  • Great playing!You can engage "To Tempo" and set "Note Value" to a dotted eighth note (3/16). Makes it universal for songs in other tempos.

    Many thx, it takes me half an hour to get a feel for it and Paul is absolutly right in his video. This is a cool lesson for timing. Yes, you are right , a dotted 8 will do the job too. I tweaked it in a try and error way. I looked for the best parametershot with the ms and finaly i was at 360ms and 150 bpm. An enganged to tempo , a 1/8dot and pressing the beatscanner will do the same job.


  • Feel free to post your cool personal delay sound here with your settings, so every user can decide to try it. I only want put artist delays in my dropbox datapool, because otherwise it's to much work/time. Sorry for that, my intension is, you look in that pool, you search for a cool Vai, Lukather, Petrucci and so on ....delay sound and you'll find it here.

    @Eltzejupp, why would you not open up the dropbox for others to add whatever preset content that they want? I'm not sure if you familiar with the Eventide H9 community, but they have an H9 presets dropbox that is shared with all users who ask to join. Anyone who has the dropbox shared with them can add content. You personally taking the time to create the presets and adding them to your dropbox takes a significant amount of effort on your part, so I can see why you would like to limit it to only artist related content. But what I am suggesting is that all you would have to do is give people access to the dropbox. This allows users to add content to the database themselves. This then opens up the possibility for the content to grow more quickly and be more varied instead of pigeonholing it to a very specific purpose that only you are able to add to. Does this make sense?

    Instead what you will force is for someone else to create a separate dropbox that IS more flexible and that will encourage others to add content to that is not necessarily artist related but is still a valuable contribution. I hope my point makes sense and is considered.

  • @Eltzejupp, why would you not open up the dropbox for others to add whatever preset content that they want? I'm not sure if you familiar with the Eventide H9 community, but they have an H9 presets dropbox that is shared with all users who ask to join. Anyone who has the dropbox shared with them can add content. You personally taking the time to create the presets and adding them to your dropbox takes a significant amount of effort on your part, so I can see why you would like to limit it to only artist related content. But what I am suggesting is that all you would have to do is give people access to the dropbox. This allows users to add content to the database themselves. This then opens up the possibility for the content to grow more quickly and be more varied instead of pigeonholing it to a very specific purpose that only you are able to add to. Does this make sense?

    Instead what you will force is for someone else to create a separate dropbox that IS more flexible and that will encourage others to add content to that is not necessarily artist related but is still a valuable contribution. I hope my point makes sense and is considered.

    Hi kpa leader, this is not my cup of tea. Everyone who creates a preset is welcome here to share the settings. If it sounds like an artist i'll put it in my dropbox database and everyone here can download the presets. Otherwise everyone who reads the tweaked parameterdata can create a preset from them too. Soundfiles are also very welcome i think, so that everyone has an idea whats behind the preset.
    I dont want to be a compettitor to re, thats a kemper tool. I know that some guys asked for a platform where they can share tweaked rigs, thats not my intension. So i let it stay like it is.


  • Hi kpa leader, this is not my cup of tea

    I completely agree. KPA Leader can create his or her own separate dropbox thread for good sounding, though not artist or song inspired, delays. That would be a perfectly valid and useful thread as well. You're both right, but keeping them separate is a good way to allow the rest of us to fine tune our searches.

    Keep on Kemper brothers, peaceably as always.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I completely agree. KPA Leader can create his or her own separate dropbox thread for good sounding, though not artist or song inspired, delays. That would be a perfectly valid and useful thread as well. You're both right, but keeping them separate is a good way to allow the rest of us to fine tune our searches.
    Keep on Kemper brothers, peaceably as always.

    Yes, this is a good idea. However I will wait to see how this thread progresses, I downloaded all the presets last night and tried them out, all are great. I'd like to see how this evolves and if I feel something else is needed then I can create it. My interest would be FX presets for the Praise & Worship genre, which ends up being very ambient and .8 delays and the like. But really I'm interested in anything that sounds great. Hopefully someone more qualified then me would start something and I can contribute.

  • and here is the next example with this cool marshall jubilee

    I named the rig "Eddies Style"(sorry for some wrong notes, it's late here and my concentration is a little bit lost, but the tune is to give an idea of the rigsound)

    and uploaded it to dropboxlist (see first post here)

    This is right out of the box into cubase, played with the majesty music man, it's one tune, first take and i don't corrected my mistakes.

    If you like, please download the rig.

    PS: If you switch off the phaser in stomp C and switch on the chorus in stomp mod, you get the sound from the Balance album of van Halen (nearly ;) )

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    Have fun


    Edited once, last by Eltzejupp (November 2, 2016 at 10:58 PM).

  • Frank - you are the hardest working, mean-ass guitar player I know! That was great! as were all the tweaks and changes you've made... you're a wonderful guitar monster! Thanks also to your new dropbox changes and for Paul and Geraldo's great profiles. You guys are such a fantastic help to us all. Thanks for all that you continue to do.

    Now Frank - go get some rest, dude!!


    Gary ô¿ô

    Edited once, last by prsgary (November 2, 2016 at 11:31 PM).

  • This post is a great idea. Thx for the work Frank and all others.

    @KPA_Leader the other thing is that with the H9 thread you get tons of 'patches' and many aren't too useable, but also there isn't much room for descriptions so you have to wade through hundreds to find one useful one - at least that's my experience. Some quality control and description in this thread is great :)

  • Frank - you are the hardest working, mean-ass guitar player I know! That was great! as were all the tweaks and changes you've made... you're a wonderful guitar monster! Thanks also to your new dropbox changes and for Paul and Gerald's great profiles. You guys are such a fantastic help to us all. Thanks for all that you continue to do.

    Now Frank - go get some rest, dude!!


    Many thanks for the kind words Gary,

    i really like to thank Paul and Geraldo too. They created cool profiles and you can use them from chrunch to higher gain stages. Also the Fender amp from Paul is awesome, the soundexample in my first post here stated that. I played the fender with my fender (think you can hear that) and the other examples with the majesty.
    I can create 100 performances only using these amps.

    Hope the guys here like it and they will post examples and tweaked rigs using these amps.


  • This post is a great idea. Thx for the work Frank and all others.

    @KPA_Leader the other thing is that with the H9 thread you get tons of 'patches' and many aren't too useable, but also there isn't much room for descriptions so you have to wade through hundreds to find one useful one - at least that's my experience. Some quality control and description in this thread is great :)

    dont thank too much, better you create a rig and post it here ;):P

    Just a joke, i really appeciate it.
    Thank you!

  • @paults - your clean Fenders Frank posted are just out of this world! And with that delay - I may have to switch out my Whitesnake ''Is This Love" rig to yours. Adding a Metal DS stomp and I'm home. Way to go! The pedal pitch stomp in C at 7/10 is just gorgeous sounding with both of your clean rigs. Kudos man, kudos for all that you do.

    Gary ô¿ô