Please listen... is this the way Kemper should sound?? Problem with sound

  • Sure I'll post a di later

    This would be great!! thanks

    e: If it's Kemper, guitar or my fingers, getting this DI would help me at least reduce Kemper from the equation. And in a way I feel that after that I should't be bothering people in this forum. I mean if it's the guitar or my fingers, I can find another place to seek answers to those. So that's why it would be just perfect to get that DI from you. But... if you happen to have... I would also appreciate just a plucked open string(s). I could compare that to my plucked open strings, and that would also leave most of the fingers out of the equation also. (Of course the right hand will still have a little role in it.) Thanks again.

    Edited 2 times, last by MarkusUz (December 19, 2016 at 9:10 AM).

  • . And in a way I feel that after that I should't be bothering people in this forum.

    How come? If part of this comes from my posts I would like to apologize. It was not meant this way at all.

    You started a very positive thread with helpful answers all around, me thinks. Thats what this forum is all about.

    I am into guitars and amps for a long, long time. And my #1 reason on this forum is to learn more, especially about the Kemper - but not alone. I asked so many dumb noob questions when I was very new to the Kemper. And I learn more every day.

    I want to clarify that I think your guitar track has an Ok Kemper sound and your playing is OK. Did I mention that my guitar skills are also *just* OK? Now, you are willing for more, for perfection, which is great. So do I. Please, lets go ahead that road. Alltogether.

    I hope the DI track will convince you that your Kemper is in good condition. And will motivate you to play and practice more than ever. Progress is all about facing the own mistakes. The master is better than the apprentice - simply because the master already made all the possible mistakes himself. But never gave up.

    All the best, good luck and do not overweigh the opinion of just one single old guy like me. ^^

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • How come? If part of this comes from my posts I would like to apologize. It was not meant this way at all.
    You started a very positive thread with helpful answers all around, me thinks. Thats what this forum is all about.

    I am into guitars and amps for a long, long time. And my #1 reason on this forum is to learn more, especially about the Kemper - but not alone. I asked so many dumb noob questions when I was very new to the Kemper. And I learn more every day.

    I want to clarify that I think your guitar track has an Ok Kemper sound and your playing is OK. Did I mention that my guitar skills are also *just* OK? Now, you are willing for more, for perfection, which is great. So do I. Please, lets go ahead that road. Alltogether.

    I hope the DI track will convince you that your Kemper is in good condition. And will motivate you to play and practice more than ever. Progress is all about facing the own mistakes. The master is better than the apprentice - simply because the master already made all the possible mistakes himself. But never gave up.

    All the best, good luck and do not overweigh the opinion of just one single old guy like me. ^^

    Hey, no problem, mate. I don't have any confidence issues with my playing. :)

    But since the core of this thread was to find out if my Kemper is working properly, and whatever other cause it might be, we are getting a little sidetracked with mixing and my playing skill. And I just meant that after the Kemper functionality has been ruled out (or in) it's time for me to dwell into the guitar or my fingering elsewhere, may it be in a different forum or not, but at least not on this thread, because that is not the topic here. I just want to find out first the Kemper, because then it's easier for me to move on to find out other possible reasons.

    And I like your idea of supplying quality DIs for all to download, accompanied with matching reamped ones, because then people could do the test by their own initially before posting here or contacting support. And there's another reason, that it will give a good reference for how a good quality DI will sound that you can target with your own productions. Which is why...

    I'll be home in a few hours and I'll get your dry track to you then

    ...this would be just awesome. I will definitely make use of this, because (e: then) I can really hear how the DIs will differ. Thanks in advance!

    Edited once, last by MarkusUz (December 19, 2016 at 8:01 PM).

  • Here you go @MarkusUz , two Di's LEFT and RIGHT.. Pan them 100% l/r and reamp using my X05 6505 profile and it should sound EXACTLY the same as the first riff I originally played on my tone you like. By listening to it the tone I shared was 100% raw with no HP/LP or mastering... so just magic fingers.


    Thank you so much! I will check it out today or tomorrow!

    e: I had a comparison here with two different guitars, but I had used a wrong file in the bounce, so I removed this section. Sorry about the inconvenience!

    Edited once, last by MarkusUz (December 20, 2016 at 6:39 PM).

  • TestJ sounds strictly mono at the center. TestM sounds stereoish, hard left/right panning with slight delays between left/right. If I got it correctly the only deifference shall be a different guitar, otherwise all the same?! Hard to imagine...

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • OMG... i made a mistake in the comparison, forget that! I'm such an idiot. I used the wrong file! I will remove it from soundcloud. Sorry about that. Wasted everyone's time...

    @SpinnerDeluxe.. you are right, it's mono center. Wrong file, sorry.

    On the bright side, I just made the reamp of MentaL's files, and the yes, the problem is not in the Kemper. I can finally conclude that. I hear no difference in the reamps and the original. Thank you very much MentaL, and everyone else, for sorting this thing out for me.

    My quest for better sounds continue, and I am relieved that I can finally rule out the Kemper of the equation. I have been really frustrated with this thing, and now I feel I'm making progress.

    Also good news was that earlier today I went to buy a bottle of sherry, and they asked for my ID. I'm 34!! Almost double the age limit... haha.

  • See! Magic fingers!

    Can I include the raw file you sent me to the comparison of the two guitars (done properly this time), so it's easier for everyone to compare to yours also? Lets' give everyone a chance to decide whether fingers or gear. I will remove it of course after a while.

    By the way... your demo clip of the profile in question is processed from the raw file. Can you tell me what you did to it, because it sounds simply magnificent! Mids have been cut a little, crispier, punchier. Is it just EQ, or is there some other magic involved?

  • Can I include the raw file you sent me to the comparison of the two guitars (done properly this time), so it's easier for everyone to compare to yours also? Lets' give everyone a chance to decide whether fingers or gear. I will remove it of course after a while.
    By the way... your demo clip of the profile in question is processed from the raw file. Can you tell me what you did to it, because it sounds simply magnificent! Mids have been cut a little, crispier, punchier. Is it just EQ, or is there some other magic involved?

    Do what you want with my DI. No 'real' magic at all - just drop C tuning - a real Ibanez Jem and Dimarzio breed pickups.

  • Do what you want with my DI. No 'real' magic at all - just drop C tuning - a real Ibanez Jem and Dimarzio breed pickups.

    I meant the file named "raw" that you sent me, not the DI. The raw file you sent me is the result of reamping through Kemper, I get the same sound reamping through my Kemper, so it is purely DI + Kemper. But the sound that you have in SoundCloud as the demo of the profile is a bit processed. It sounds a bit different from the "raw" file you sent me. It sounds better, crispier, a little cut from the mids.

  • I meant the file named "raw" that you sent me, not the DI. The raw file you sent me is the result of reamping through Kemper, I get the same sound reamping through my Kemper, so it is purely DI + Kemper. But the sound that you have in SoundCloud as the demo of the profile is a bit processed. It sounds a bit different from the "raw" file you sent me. It sounds better, crispier, a little cut from the mids.

    Then its probably just the standard HP/LP and basic mastering.

  • Just in case you want to hear what I was trying to show earlier: MentaL's Jem (raw), my bro's Kramer American (testyJJ), my Kramer American (testyMM). The transients on testyJJ are louder than on testyMM, because that guitar is much more dynamic, but measured from the parts where the strings just ring, the volume should be about the same (I got -6.1 dB on both before bouncing). I didn't match them with the Jem, so there might be a volume difference.

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    My brother's guitar hasn't been maintained in over a decade, except that I cleaned the fretboard and changed the same strings to it than to my guitar to make it as "equal" as possible. There's some odd sidesound to it, but I would still say that it sounds just good compared to MentaL's clip. Categorically, I would say that they they both sound good.

    My guitar sounds bad. It just sounds weak and cloudy. That cloudiness stacks up in mixes where you want to layer many guitars, and it just doesn't work. It sounded quite like that with the original SD passives, that's why I changed active EMGs to it, thinking it would help, but it didn't resolve anything.

    If you still say it's the fingers... I don't know what to say. For me, there's two good sounds there, one bad sound.

    I'm sad that this is the case, because that guitar that I have wasn't a cheap one, and it's one of the fastest ones I have ever played. I really enjoy the thin neck and low action. And it looks good too! But on the other hand, I'm happy to finally start to grasp where the problem has been, and as I have been desperately searching for answers, I have actually learned quite a lot about EQing, guitar maintenance, Kemper's tweaking options, picking technique, etc. So it hasn't been a complete waste of time either.

    Dear Santa... ESP E-II Horizon?

  • testyMM sounds softer to me. You sure they're equally loud? (I did not measure)

    I measured from after the first transient to before the next transient. I put it on a loop to see what volume it shows. They were equal down to 0.0 dB. But the transients are louder in JJ, definitely. But to me the only important thing here is that I have been struggling with that faint and cloudy guitar sound for months and months, and since JJ doesn't have it, I know now for sure that it's my guitar. And for the following reason, it doesn't really matter if they are equal in those samples...

    Yesterday I compared the guitars with just strumming them without any gear involved... and the difference is clear. Plain and simple, it's the guitar itself, not pickups or anything. It's disturbingly odd because they are basically the same guitar. Exact same shape, color, floyd rose, price was categorically the same (if I remember correctly). Only he had one more SD pick up in the middle, and as I said, I changed my SDs to EMG actives (along with tone pot), and he has a 5-way switch, mine has 3, he also has some other little switch there, but I'm not sure if it's working properly.

    Almost identical guitar, and even just playing it acoustically there's a big difference. The "JJ" is much punchier and brighter, almost like something in the "MM" is dampening the strings. The floyd roses should at least be the same, so then it would leave nothing else but the wood body itself. I can't come to any other conclusion.