A Floor KPA Unit, Like The AX8.

  • I don't think a floor-model is realistic for the current architecture. There isn't much to save by limiting functionality, and a full-featured unit with all controls could easily be to fragile for floor use. I do however consider a compact but full-featured floor-unit to be an interesting design for the future. It could be offered as something close to the form-factor of the current foot-controller, but with most of the user-interface moved to a tablet/smartphone app that control the floor unit via USB, Ethernet/WiFi or Bluetooth.

  • "Time for A Floor KPA Unit, Like The AX8."

    Yep :thumbup:

    I'd pay good money for the convenience of a compact all-in-one Kemper floor version for live. Perhaps without the profiling function?

    And I'd keep my Toaster & remote for the studio.

    I suspect Fractal is going to shift a lot of those AX8 units at that price.

    I would be tempted by the AX8, except:

    1. As a former AxeFX owner, I just couldn't face dealing with that annoying interface again (no particular argument with the sounds - they're excellent)

    2. With the Kemper, I now have a collection of the best guitar sounds I've ever had - and I'm loathe to not use them live.

    Edited 2 times, last by bagginz (July 17, 2016 at 4:45 PM).