Basic Operativity on the KPA, and a small flaw (FW 3.3)

  • Feature Request:
    I've noticed the following:

    When the focus is on a stomp or effect slot, if we browse among presets through the "Browse" knob, the focus is returned to the main screen if we don't turn the knob for about 3". This may be uncomfortable when we want to quickly try many different presets (maybe in conjunction with a loop going).
    Luckily, if we start using the Rig arrows button while the Presets screen has the focus, the view doesn't switch and remains on the presets list.

    What I've noticed is that this doesn't work if we're browsing the Type of effect. The arrow buttons have no effect on the Type list.
    It would be very practical if we could use the arrow buttons in the Type screen as well.
    IOW, there seems to be no way for having the focus steadily on the Type screen.

    In the Type window, three softbuttons are unassigned. Vicariously, a "keep the focus on the effects" flag might be a good alternative to allowing the use of the arrow buttons.

    The Flaw:
    On a side note, I've noticed a small cosmetic flaw when accessing the Presets and the Type screens.
    Let's say the Browse screen is blue (compressor presets). Now, if I turn the Type knob (while the presets screen has still the focus) and have the screen's colour change because I'm over a different kind of family of effects (I tried with the boosters), if I now turn the Browse knob again by just one notch so to give the focus back to the presets screen while the Type screen has the focus, the screen keeps the colour it had when the Type windows had the focus instead of turning back to the blue (because its' still listing compressor presets).

    Just a small thing, but it might be worth mentioning from an aesthetic POV.