• Recently I got a MOD Duo and found some time to tweak it's pedalboard. My goal was to set up the MOD Duo to match my rhythm sound of the Kemper as close as possible.

    For comparison I recorded a short track with the Kemper Amp on the one and the MOD Duo on the other channel:

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    Left channel: Kemper Amp with "SinMix Soldano 100" profile and speaker impulse response "RedWirez Marshall 1960, Celestion G12T-75, Shure SM57"
    Right Channel: MOD Duo, sound matched by ear and analyzer

    Guitar: Peavey Wolfgang Special EXP
    Pickup: Suhr DA-B-50 Doug Aldrich Humbucker
    Strings: Daddario NYXL1156

  • I'm a fellow Mod Duo user too, and I love it! I use mine in a live setting where I need to recall a lush pad and also have to have the option of a boost to cut through the mix. I love mine and have finally set up what I think is the ultimate pedalboard for my needs:


    ... all this while still using the KPA's built-in effects too! I just use my Mod Duo in an effects loop and it takes the place of so many other pedals, it's awesome!

  • The great thing about the Mod Duo is that it's not just for guitarists... you can easily use effects for vocals, bass, and keyboard. There are all sorts of synth effects, beat effects, a looper, all kinds of midi functionality... so MUCH stuff in a little package that you can program and route and do anything you want with. I just use it for my live gig, but it's a beast of a machine... paired with the Kemper, it's an incredibly versatile tool and sounds badass for guitars. I believe you can check out all of the other things you can do with the Mod Duo by looking at the various pedalboards created by users: https://pedalboards.moddevices.com/

    Note that these pedalboards are made mostly by users, using the effect pedals created by the Mod community and creators. Very cool... one day I will get into the midi functionality, but you can do pretty much everything with it.