Some Kind of Blindfold Test

  • Hi Geraldo, how are you?

    For me it's a big difference betwen the recorded sounds. A, C and E are sounding very good imho.
    The other examples are not as warm as these ones and not , what can i say, full or punchy or ......


  • Well, there's definitely a difference. The first set of sounds (A,C,E) sound a lot more round and scooped even, while the second set (B,D,F) sound more mid to upper-mid heavy. While I like the first set better, I can't say the second set is bad at all...just different. Now, as to which set is the guess is that it's the first set, although It is 95% guesswork and 5% an informed decision. Good job by the way!

  • Hi Geraldo, how are you?

    For me it's a big difference betwen the recorded sounds. A, C and E are sounding very good imho.
    The other examples are not as warm as these ones and not , what can i say, full or punchy or ......


    Hi Frank, i am fine. Although Tennis tournaments are starting and i was in very bad shape a few weeks ago, this bothers me a lot.
    Back to topic. You have much better ears than me, that is for sure. A,C and E are in fact different from the others and are ...
    Wait a little ... :D Spoiler is coming soon.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Well, there's definitely a difference. The first set of sounds (A,C,E) sound a lot more round and scooped even, while the second set (B,D,F) sound more mid to upper-mid heavy. While I like the first set better, I can't say the second set is bad at all...just different. Now, as to which set is the guess is that it's the first set, although It is 95% guesswork and 5% an informed decision. Good job by the way!

    Goodness. Thank you for watching in that great detail. You can hear the grass grow, too, can you not? I cannot hear a big difference between A and B at all, while
    E and F are very different and i do not know why, maybe i had touched the microphone by accident. Anyway, thank you very much indeed for watching.
    For the final mix, i used the real amp, panned extrem left and the profile, panned extreme right, they form a good team.
    Thx again for the nice words. :thumbup:

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Okay, guys here comes the spoiler. I have to confess that i was lazy. it took so many hours to cut the recorded video materail that i forgot to change
    places of the audio files.

    SPOILER ALERT / mark the text to see it

    A C E are the real amp
    B D F is the profile

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.