Control the entire RigVolume And morphing

  • I have a question - how to Control / change he Rig Volume of a Morphed Ring in one step?
    Example of Morphed rig:
    the Basic Sound has a Low Volume (Volume 1).
    the Morphed sound is louder by rising the Volume knob (Volume 2).
    Now i Would like to increase the the Volume of the entire Rig (Volume 1 And Volume 2). How to do?
    if i rise the Volume knob, it change the Volume of only one Morphed status (Volume 1 or Volume 2) of the Rig and i have to the same with the Second Status of Rig Volume.
    The Volume knob has different function in Mixed situations (Use Morphed And Not Morphed Rigs) . Its a bit confused, Andy Ideas ? Or what do i'm wrong ?