Using Disaster Area DMC controller with Kemper?

  • Alright, so I really want to be able to use my Dosaster Area DMC-8D to control the amps on my Kemper via PC messages but am not sure how to set it up. When I engage presets on the DMC device while it's hooked up via MIDI (daisy chained using DMC -> BigSky -> Timeline -> Kemper) it pulls up different amps in the first two performance rigs. I really want to be able to program it in so I can control what's being pulled up. How do I do this? Do I need to put the Kemper on a specific MIDI channel? Is that even possible?


  • Alright, so I really want to be able to use my Dosaster Area DMC-8D to control the amps on my Kemper via PC messages but am not sure how to set it up. When I engage presets on the DMC device while it's hooked up via MIDI (daisy chained using DMC -> BigSky -> Timeline -> Kemper) it pulls up different amps in the first two performance rigs. I really want to be able to program it in so I can control what's being pulled up. How do I do this? Do I need to put the Kemper on a specific MIDI channel? Is that even possible?


    Are you in performance mode? Or browse mode?

    In browse mode, you can assign profiles to a midi PC number. Just look in the system menu.

    In performance mode, the profiles are arranged in numerical order. So performance 1 rig 3 is PC#3, performance 3 rig 3 is PC#13, etc.

    You can select what channel the Kemper receives on in the system menu as well, or omni for all channels. You have to put your DMC on the same channel.

  • I had a disaster area dmc8d and got rid of it due to the limited midi capabilities. If you force your rigs in an order required to work with the dmc, you are causing yourself more grief than it's worth. Your also missing the rest of the Kpa midi functionality. But yes you need the Kemper on a specific channel and to assign your rigs the required midi pc in browse mode or order in performance mode as nightlight said.

  • Alright, so I really want to be able to use my Dosaster Area DMC-8D to control the amps on my Kemper via PC messages but am not sure how to set it up. When I engage presets on the DMC device while it's hooked up via MIDI (daisy chained using DMC -> BigSky -> Timeline -> Kemper) it pulls up different amps in the first two performance rigs. I really want to be able to program it in so I can control what's being pulled up. How do I do this? Do I need to put the Kemper on a specific MIDI channel? Is that even possible?


    You can do this. I'm somewhat familiar with the dmc though I don't own them. You are using a dmc 8 and using the presets on it to get whatever you want in the pedals right? Basically you will want to go from the last midi pedal in your chain to the midi in on kemper.. MIDI thru must be set on the big sky or whatever your last pedal is. You then need to set the appropriate midi Chanel on the kemper to be different than the other pedals and program the dmc to send program change to that channel along with the other commands it is sending to the other pedals. You can assign any rig on the kemper any pc number in browse mode. All the kemper settings are found under system. Better read the dmc manual to add the other pc command to your presets but I'm quite sure it can do that. In your case, I would use kemper in browsewse and use your footcontrol

    Edited 3 times, last by tntent (May 10, 2016 at 9:57 AM).