New Looper NRPN ?

  • What new looper functions are you looking for?
    i read the idea of reassigning the looper or other buttons on the KPA remote to do something different, but I didn't see any new looper functionality in 4.0. Did I miss somethings?

  • What new looper functions are you looking for?
    i read the idea of reassigning the looper or other buttons on the KPA remote to do something different, but I didn't see any new looper functionality in 4.0. Did I miss somethings?

    I mean NRPN commands for using looper.
    NRPN -start ,stop,overdub,delete , etc.

  • Hmm, seems like something strange is going on.
    I haven't tried the update so I can't say if mine work or not, but I have heard a couple of mentions on the forum about the old NRPNs not working with 4.0
    Can anyone else confirm either way? I don't want to update if it means losing the looper right now.

  • Here are the ones I use (in hex) They work in 3.3 but I haven't tried them in 4.0
    REC/PLAY/OVERDUB 0x63 0x7D 0x62 0x58 0x06 0x00 0x26 1 0
    STOP/ERASE 0x63 0x7D 0x62 0x59 0x06 0x00 0x26 1 0
    UNDO 0x63 0x7D 0x62 0x5D 0x06 0x00 0x26 1 0
    TRIGGER 0x63 0x7D 0x62 0x5A 0x06 0x00 0x26 1 0

    Can you send me , your commands.Please?

  • Do you need hex or decimal commands?

    I have this commands, I have conttoller build by Arduino .I can use even Grande by Microdesignum And send #cc , but with 4.0 does'nt work.

  • Here is my programming:
    I'm using a liquid foot controller so it allows for different commands when button pushed, and released
    These are the values for button push. Then i have the same programming but the last parameter CC 38 is set to 0 for all of the releases.

    Play/Record CC 99 value 125, CC 98 value 88, CC 6 value 0, CC 38 value 1
    Stop CC 99 value 125, CC 98 value 89, CC 6 value 0, CC 38 value 1
    Erase CC 99 value 125, CC 98 value 94, CC 6 value 0, CC 38 value 1
    Undo CC 99 value 125, CC 98 value 93, CC 6 value 0, CC 38 value 1
    Reverse CC 99 value 125, CC 98 value 91, CC 6 value 0, CC 38 value 1
    Half CC 99 value 125, CC 98 value 92, CC 6 value 0, CC 38 value 1
    Trigger CC 99 value 125, CC 98 value 90, CC 6 value 0, CC 38 value 1

    Hope this helps,

  • Using a Roland FC-300, highest CC# available is 95. Anyone know of a workaround (without using an additional plugin or any additional gear)? The FC-300 is a great foot controller, built like a tank with (2) expression pedals attached. Looper is not necessary for my needs but would certainly like to have it available.

  • Yours are the same as mine (except you are using 94 for erase, I just hit stop 3 times)
    So it makes me hopeful that mine should work in 4 too

  • With the FC-300 plugged up, I was able to get the looper functioning by setting and resetting the pedal function modes manually (the polarity) but not able to get the controller to do it. I could run standard cables out of the FC-300 but this would negate my expression pedal and every other function other than standard on/off commands. I'm thinking there is a way, I just have not quite found it....