Another Headphone Space Issue? SOLVED

  • Since upgrading to FW 3.3 (including the final release version) I have detected a distortion or fizzing artefact on the front headphone output (only) whenever I check Headphone Space. It is there 100% of time regardless of any combination of Kemper settings, guitars/pick ups, cables or headphones. I have reported it to Kemper Support but the response so far is they can't hear it in my sound samples I provided.

    Below is link to a sound sample. All the open G string notes and the E chords are the exact same samples repeated in my DAW and re-amped through the Kemper with Headphone Space alternately switched off & on. I have added a voice-over to indicate when it is off or on. The sample was re-amped with all Stomps, Stack, Effects and Pure Cabinet off. Input and output LEDs were lighting up just green on the peaks. I turned the Space setting up to 10 for the recording, but I can notice it from around 2 upward at reasonable headphone volume. Interested to know if anyone can hear this on my sample or on their own Kemper headphone output. On my audio sample you probably won't be able to hear it through computer or small speakers, so you will need headphones or decent monitors at a reasonable level.


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  • It's slight, but it's definitely there. I'd call it more a slight hiss than distortion or fizz, actually. It's not loud enough that I'd worry about it from a sound quality standpoint, especially if it's only on the HP out, and not the "regular" outputs on the back. But it's definitely there, as I said. If the guys at Kemper are listening for "fizz" or "distortion", I wouldn't be surprised they missed this, though.

  • I'd recommend reporting this to support and sending them a backup, I'm sure they will like to sort this

    He's already tried this :)

    Maybe do a ramp first without then with, to separate tracks (with constant latency engaged). Then flip the polarity on one of the tracks, leaving only the artifact. That way, you can show them what to listen for.

  • As Michael_dk pointed out I have reported this to Kemper support along with backup file, but don't have any answers yet.

    If I get some time in the next few days I will try to record an isolated sample as suggested. Although now that I have found other posts on the forum with the same issue at least I know it's not just mine...not sure if that is a good thing? :/

    I can clearly hear this "digital distortion" (which is what it sounds like to me) while playing with headphones (Beyer DT880 / Sennheiser HD25ii / Sennheiser HD540). Maybe I'm more sensitive but sound quality is why I gave up on other digital solutions and spent the money on the Kemper. I bought it primarily for use with headphones so it's a disappointing outcome for me.

    Michael_dk, do you know if there are archive versions of FW available for download? Support haven't answered that question for me. I only bought mine on 20 February and it came with a version of FW 2.x so I updated immediately to 3.2 (I think it was) but didn't notice this problem until I updated to FW 3.3 just a week or so later.

    Edited once, last by Wizard_of_Oz (April 4, 2016 at 5:05 AM).