Balancing output volume.

  • I've got a couple of Eventide H9's in the loop and assigned to the "mod" slot. To prevent the Kpa output led glowing red, I've had to dial the H9's levels down to -6db on the stomp boxes. The problem I have is when I turn the loop off I get a huge volume boost. How do I go about maintaining a nice even volume for both loop on and off? Preferably a global solution rather than a "per rig" one.

  • The general approach would be to set the external fx so to have unity gain.
    Strange that the volume boost you get when disengaging the loop doesn't clip the output itself...
    Do you have any compressor going?

    It might be that the output LED is signalling the loop return clipping and not the overall output's...

  • The general approach would be to set the external fx so to have unity gain.
    Strange that the volume boost you get when disengaging the loop doesn't clip the output itself...
    Do you have any compressor going?

    It might be that the output LED is signalling the loop return clipping and not the overall output's...

    No compressor going. When I say that I'm getting a huge volume boost, what I mean is that I've had to increase the volume on the kemper to compensate for the -6db setting on the stomp. So when I disengage the loop, it effects as a boost. I don't seem to have any clipping going on.

  • I use a T.C G-Force in my Loop, its set to 100% and i have raised the volume a bit, but its still quite a volumejump. I just compensate the other sounds with lower overall volume.. I dont think you can play one preset with and without loop, when you turn off the loop the volume raise alot!