Splawn Quick Rod Profiles - Here and on RE

  • Thanks for these, they're simply top/professional quality profiles and it's very generous of you to share them.

    You are certainly welcome.

    I am looking at a few different mic pre's. I think I am set for mic's. Maybe need a cab with some different speakers at some point to make some other varieties of sounds.

  • You are certainly welcome.

    I am looking at a few different mic pre's. I think I am set for mic's. Maybe need a cab with some different speakers at some point to make some other varieties of sounds.

    Which pres do you have?

    In my estimation, a mic pre would account for about 2 % of the tone :D
    I mean, the mojo that a pre brings is a combination of frequency response curve and distortion - and I'm thinking that both of these have most to do with the guitar/pickups, amp, cab, mic and mic placement :)

  • Which pres do you have?

    In my estimation, a mic pre would account for about 2 % of the tone :D
    I mean, the mojo that a pre brings is a combination of frequency response curve and distortion - and I'm thinking that both of these have most to do with the guitar/pickups, amp, cab, mic and mic placement :)

    Well currently I have an ART TPA2. We used some real nice ones in the studio when doing these though.
    Im going to try the ART first as even though it's not "high end" it's pretty well liked for its pricepoint

    I finally got a chance to check out these profiles and wow, there are some real jewels in there. Nicely done, thank you so much for sharing these, looking forward to your next profiling session :thumbup:

    thanks Tim! Glad you dig them! I certainly value your feedback.

    So do you think if I did some DI profiles with all my boosts and OD's they would work well as merged profiles with the cabs from these profiles?

    only had time for a very brief run through - most are great, but I really like #27. more reports later.

    Thanks! I'll definitely do some more heavy ones.

    Thanks, Jeremy! I look forward to trying these this week.


    Cool man! Looking forward to your feedback.

    I am looking forward to getting my Vox set done.

  • So do you think if I did some DI profiles with all my boosts and OD's they would work well as merged profiles with the cabs from these profiles?

    For the most accurate merged profiles you need to make the Studio and DA profiles during the same profiling session with the exact same settings, that being said, I think you should give it a try, I bet you will come up with some nice profiles.

  • Jeremy, your profiles kills it all.
    This is amazing. I just played them for an hour. OD14 and 15 are my very favorites ones.

    The KPA has made a great step forward with your profiles. You may need to teach how to profile amps to the community as your sounds are very close to sonic perfection.

    @LiamThompson, could you please let me know how do you "extract" the 2x12? I would like to make a preset out of it.

    Cheers all

    I just pressed the cab soft button, then pressed copy, went to the JVM profile, pressed cab soft button, then pressed paste. I assumed the cabs were already merged as I didn't get the merge option when I pressed paste, you should get that option if they haven't previously been merged.

    Either way using one of Jeremy's cabs with another different amp you wouldn't merge anyway, just paste over the cab and save the rig. You would only merge a cab to the exact amp and settings Direct profile, anything else you would just paste over and leave as is, although there is northing wrong with merging to a totally different setup if it sounds good to you, just not the way it was intended to be used, but if it sounds good it is good.

    As far as I'm aware you could also just go to the cab section on one of Jeremy's profiles and click save while in the cab section, I'm sure you'd be able to save the cab as a preset that way.

  • For the most accurate merged profiles you need to make the Studio and DA profiles during the same profiling session with the exact same settings, that being said, I think you should give it a try, I bet you will come up with some nice profiles.

    Thats what I figured.

    was hoping to save some time for getting the OD's profiled but at least now I have another project!

  • Yeah theres a big difference between creating a new merged rig and simply applying a merged cab to a new DA profile. I think doing DA profiles with the OD's, and applying some of the existing merged cabs will sound 99% accurate. Commercial sellers often do the same thing.

  • Yeah theres a big difference between creating a new merged rig and simply applying a merged cab to a new DA profile. I think doing DA profiles with the OD's, and applying some of the existing merged cabs will sound 99% accurate. Commercial sellers often do the same thing.

    That's what I figured there's no way in hell guys are setting up 4 mic's every time they do a new pack. would seem incredibly inefficient.

    Also, then anyone trying to use different packs for multi track recording would get phasing issues something awful I'd imagine.

  • After a long time period I succeeded today playing in the rehearsal room quite loud...I tried also your profiles and liked them very much... very clear raw well balanced sounds... no need to tweak them.. thanks a lot!!

  • Just to say Profile OD3 that I merged from your Studio OD3 and Direct OD3 profiles is still my favorite profile. I'm using them live and in the studio for all my distorted tones in my band.

    I tweaked:
    Gain level up to 6.5 (think it was 6.0 stock)
    Clarity up to 1.6 for rhythms 0.5 for leads (stock was 0.0.)
    Sag up to 1.2 (stock was 0.0)
    Amp compressor up to 3.0 to help keep the volume matched when I clean up lowering the guitar volume (stock was 0.0)
    Everything else remained as is.

    I've just set up another set of profiles using the same settings but swapped to using an Ownhammer impulse of a 1970's Marshall Checkboard 4x12 with G12M-75 mic'ed with 2 SM57's set up in a "Fredman" configuration. Sounds outstanding also to my ears.

    Thanks again for knocking these profiles up.