Abbey Road like - ADT - artificial double-tracking ( a dream for every band with just one gutiarist )

  • Ah, yes, you're quite right - still, that's not really an issue, the stereo loop takes the mono signal from the amp stack and feeds into stereo effects later so mono->stereo is what you want in that loop right?

    It would be the same thing if you just feed the pedal a mono signal and output a mono signal, I think, since I don't think the two channels will be different until the delay section. In fact, if you put a delay before the Deco, the signal will be summed to mono when it goes into the Deco. Ideally, there should have been a left send and right send on the Kemper for a stereo loop to work as it should, i.e. two channels being fed two separate signals and outputting two separate signals.