Odd thing with remote and effect switches

  • I just ran into the oddest thing with my Profiler and Remote. I have about 50 rigs stored in my profiler and I switched rigs and then went to the rig menu page 5 (last one) where you can assign the stomps to the remote and assigned some of the stomps there.

    When I either just push 'store' to auto assign, or assign them individually they would show on my remote as assigned correctly (LED lit up as expected) but pushing the stomp button on the remote would not toggle the state on and off. If I toggled the state on the profiler the remote would show the state change but would not itself initiate the state change.

    I tried this by selecting a few different rigs from the remote using the rig assign page and got the exact same results. I next manually (press button remote and press effect button on profiler) added another effect to one of the already assigned remote buttons and then pressing the effect switch on the remote would properly toggle the second effect I just assigned but the first previously assigned effect assigned from the rig menu still would not toggle.

    I again tried this with several different rigs I have stored and they all acted the same with the assign from the rig menu page. I then fired up RM and 'previewed' a rig from my library and did the same auto assign and voila - it started to toggle each effect as it should. I then used the remote to switch back to one of my rigs I had previously setup with assign from the rig page that wasn't working as described and it suddenly started to toggle as it should from the remote. I changed nothing other than loading a preview from RM first and then switching to the rig as I had done previously and using the auto-assign it all suddenly started working as it should.

    Very odd and frustration why this would not work correctly and then mysteriously start working just because I did the preview from RM first which for whatever odd reason made this start working again.

    I'll add more if this starts doing the same thing once I reboot and start over again.

    I have shutdown and restarted and everything is still working correctly now so I guess it was just some odd thing that cleared up once a rig was loaded from RM instead of from the profiler.

    Edited once, last by mwinter77 (February 10, 2016 at 7:50 AM).