Distortion Stop Boxes vs OD Profiles

  • I would like to know your experience/recommendations with using OD stomp boxes within the Kemper. If I Play around with a clean Sound and
    add OD stomp boxes I will never get a sound sounding as good as a profiled OD sound. Is that so ? But for what all these stomp boxes then ?
    Same goes with the Fuzz for example. Some great Fuzz Profiles around but die stomp boxes sound are not comparable. Do you see this different ?
    Or should I just see/use them as a kind of icing on the sound :D

  • hello, I've been using the internal dist box ( green screamer, fuzz, big muff ...) with success, mainly to change the color of the drive on driven profiles, or to act a as lead boost on clean profiles . I always prefered amp distortion/drive to pedal dist. I think they are very similar to their real counterparts, BUT they do not match every amp profile, it's a matter of matching, just in the real world, some pedals just won't make it on certain amps, while they'll sound glorious on others.

    We all expect to have some better tweaks for the dist. box like basic EQ, mix % and / or ducking, in order to enhance the tweakability of theses stomps.

    I've done a recording in the past ,with just a green screamer (no AMP) and my own Kemper CAB (JTM30), it turned out very well & natural, hear it yourself :

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  • I would like to know your experience/recommendations with using OD stomp boxes within the Kemper. If I Play around with a clean Sound and
    add OD stomp boxes I will never get a sound sounding as good as a profiled OD sound. Is that so ? But for what all these stomp boxes then ?
    Same goes with the Fuzz for example. Some great Fuzz Profiles around but die stomp boxes sound are not comparable. Do you see this different ?
    Or should I just see/use them as a kind of icing on the sound :D

    Honestly the internal OD's are LITERALLY the only thing I don't find to be stellar about the Kemper and I rarely if ever use them.

    By the way, LOVE your avatar. Big Little Britain fan.

  • Ok, thanks, that kind of reflects my understanding... but have come up with some good sounding OD sounds.
    But I guess the best way to get a clean to distortion blend is to take a good OD profiles and use the footswitch
    to control the gain ( well soon 8o ). Very good OD profiles usually have a very good sounding clean foundation.
    Daffyd Thomas .... the only gay in town :thumbup:

  • Honestly the internal OD's are LITERALLY the only thing I don't find to be stellar about the Kemper and I rarely if ever use them.

    I do like the green screamer and the clean boost, the rest not so much.
    I dream of a Klon od in Kemper( i miss the one i had), im pretty sure the development will stir this way eventually and we will see improvments in this area of the profiler.

  • Always keep in mind Green Scream tone at or above noon is equal to 100% on the real Screamer. So only 0 - 50% is worth using. Also i believe Drive at 0% os less than the real thing, so you may want to turn it up a touch to the the slight dirt and compression of the real thing.

    I also prefer a real OD, but usually i just use Studio EQs in the Stomp slots to color the amp distortion.

    Fuzz profiles often dont come out right so in some cases the KPA fuzz effects are necessary

  • Having said that TAF have delivered some amazing FUZZ Profiles on their Pack#10

    You cant expect that much more i would guess. In Germany we would say "you need to keep the church in town"

    Also the Kemper now already is an "EggLayingWollMilkPig"

    In nature the Kemper could be found in the woods looking like this

  • I'm completely with the OP. I can't get a good result at all with the OD/distortion stomps on the Kemper. But then, I couldn't on a Line 6 HD500. And ran my valve Marshall without any either! I've come to the conclusion that I simply prefer amp drive!