Tone Dexter Pro. A Profiler for acoustic instrument?

  • And Sharry, It would cost a lot less

    Ähäm what is Ozone? Even I do not understand the proposal generally.
    My Idea is more theoretical with a realistic background.
    Is it possible to make a sound at the dexter with an acoustic guitar with 2 sound sources (Pick up and Mic e.g. one of my Lowden) and then connect another guitar only with a Piezo to the dexter.
    Would it sound also naturally and could this other guitar also be a Strat with a piezo. Of couse it would be different but how far? The Dexter has in mind how it should sound.
    In that case it could be possible to make a profile with the Kemper. Thats the idea.
    In the thread is written Dexter works only when the micro- and electrical signal is generated from one guitar at same time.
    Save costs would only be possible, if you can organize a Dexter for short time for profiling. ;)
    The sound has to be in the Kemper - I do not want to carry any other eqipment anymore :)
    If it's really proven that it works properly, I could be weak and transfer some of my beer money to buy a dexter. :D

  • The Ozone is a tone matching software. So you could for example match the tone of your miced acoustic guitar to the sound of your piezo acoustic guitar then make a profile of this.

    Yeah, I assume that, in the same way, you could profile the tone from ToneDexter and resale the device right after. :)

  • @Sharry, Ozone is a plugin which produces some matching EQs.
    Basically you give it two identical tracks, recordered in a different way.
    For example, one track made with your piezo and another one made with your favourite mic.
    You can record them at the same time, of course.

    Then Ozone will compare the two and generate an eq correction curve which makes the piezo track sound as the mic'd one. After having generated the matching eq you can profile it with your profiler and store it.
    Now you can use ite everywhere with your profiler :)

  • @Sharry, Ozone is a plugin which produces some matching EQs.
    Basically you give it two identical tracks, recordered in a different way.
    For example, one track made with your piezo and another one made with your favourite mic.
    You can record them at the same time, of course.

    Then Ozone will compare the two and generate an eq correction curve which makes the piezo track sound as the mic'd one. After having generated the matching eq you can profile it with your profiler and store it.
    Now you can use it everywhere with your profiler :)

    Thats a concept I was thinking of, but how would you do the profile without using an actual amp?

    Has anybody tried this with success??