Improved Overdrive Stomp Options

  • Yes, I'm growing increasing frustrated with the lackluster pedals. At this point I'll probably have to mount this thing to a pedalboard and use an external Fulldrive (which sorta works OK with the stage) but that drives me crazy. Not a cheap purchase by any stretch and I can't believe the pedals are this bad.

  • Yes, I'm growing increasing frustrated with the lackluster pedals. At this point I'll probably have to mount this thing to a pedalboard and use an external Fulldrive (which sorta works OK with the stage) but that drives me crazy. Not a cheap purchase by any stretch and I can't believe the pedals are this bad.

    I went from few to many external pedals to none at the moment. But I always really thought that the Kemper took external drives quite well. At the moment I only use the Kemper's internal boost which for me is very cool (I purchased the latest MB 2020 pack and put a pure boost in front of the 68 Plexi. This is the best only-Kempee-tone and feel I've ever had, honestly. Sometimes I add a little of the quite usable green scream but only for solos).

    What is it exactly that you want to achieve? IMHO, and for my purposes, the best way to change / improve / individualise / etc. your tone is by boosting and deep EQing, not by mere exchanging different drives and leaving the rest to coincidence. I think it is better to exactly think about what you want to achieve and focus on the exact parameters. Tone Junkie put out a video recently that shows what this means exactly (title was something like "how to improve every kemper profile", I really recommend everybody to watch it). Yes, this may seem a little off topic but it isn't, I think because we still talk about tone, boosting, drive and frequencies when we talk about "more drives". Of course new and better drives/stomps models would be nice (I am waiting myself and they already should have come out long time ago!!!) but you can get very far by only using amps, EQs and boosts, imho. Yes, it is not the same as what the orininal post suggested (which is cool, if I understood it correctly at first place) but you get the idea.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

    Edited 3 times, last by Alienator (May 6, 2020 at 3:32 PM).