Performance managment

  • What clock Problem.? My Kemper clock let pass my life quicker then it is ;)

    Just a Guess - Check if the slot you want to fill is enabled in the perfomance screen.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it next time I'm editing. I also just updated the firmware and editor. Was loving the Kemper tone today. I was playing with the Muff, Micropitch, and some crazy verb setting. Loving it :)

  • Quote from G String: “open two windows, one for the performances and the other one for the rigs. drag and drop rigs in between.
    hth, gs”

    Dragging and dropping between 2 windows is not working for me, gs, any thoughts on why that may be? Another…

    2 Window Drag & Drop Method was not working for me either. Be sure you have "MyProfiler" selected in one window and "All Rigs" selected in the other. Works fine for me now. (As does copy/paste.).